We invite
students from around the United States and the world to post their comments
and questions. Please also visit our classes
& activities section for more interactive opportunities.
Wednesday, May 1 at 07:12 AM:
Yoshi from China wrote:
" this web site is shitty
Tuesday, April 16 at 09:31 AM:
karasha from angola,in. wrote:
" hi thak you "
Monday, March 11 at 08:25 AM:
fred from roswell newmexico u.s.a wrote:
" screw you
Saturday, March 2 at 01:28 AM:
Vegeta from Planet namik wrote:
" I'll distroy you GOKO!"
Monday, January 14 at 04:56 PM:
emily from qubec city wrote:
" where is all your
Saturday, December 29 at 01:04 AM:
badang from malaysia wrote:
" wish you all happy and
peacefull... "
Monday, December 24 at 11:43 AM:
marianka from Aylmer wrote:
I just wanted to say that this
challenge was great! I learned many
things.....If you have a dream don't
give up!Josee is my coach for cross-
country skiing and she is just so
great! She always encourages me to do
things that for me, are the most
impossible! Thank you Josee for giving
me the power of achieving my goals..
and thank you 4 helping me become the
person i am today!!
xoxoxox marianka"
Saturday, December 22 at 11:29 PM:
irwin snyder from laguna woods, california wrote:
" i really think you are heroic. best
of luck to heroines... you are
heroic.........i snyder "
Monday, December 10 at 02:49 PM:
Dakota from Tahlequah O.K wrote:
" It looks good wearing black boots and
sleevless shirt "
Monday, December 10 at 02:49 PM:
Dakota from Tahlequah O.K wrote:
" It looks good wearing black boots and
sleevless shirt "
Saturday, November 24 at 06:39 AM:
Eliott from Muskegon, MI wrote:
" Frida,
We met on the Tour Da UP last summer.
I'd like to read your book when it is
published. Please send information on
how I can get a copy. Thanks.
slsmet@msn.com (my Dad's e-mail) "
Tuesday, July 17 at 06:38 AM:
guping from China wrote:
" Dear Sir / Madam :
Kung Fu is an integral part of
thousands-years’ Chinese culture. It
has a long stansing histcory, a variety
of conters and a great number of
schools together with uncountable
martial arts which can Be mentioned in
the same breath of Kung Fu in our
Mr Gu Ping is one of the 9th
generation of Civil Chinese,“ the Blue
Book of The World”,“ the Century
Intellectuals Dictionary”. And now he
is member of martial arts union of tens
of countries. He is also invited to
give lectures and teach Kung Fu by as
many as one hundred overseas martial
arts associations. He is proficient in
Shaolin Barred-hand school’s
knife ,spear, sword, stick, voxing, Qi
Gong, together with other school’s
weapons and Qi Gong.Currently Gu Ping
am working as professor in Guangdong,
China. The university is called
Guangdong Light Industries Higher
Professional Technical Training
Gu Ping am a world famous master of
Kungfu and Qigong and am listed in the
list of famous Chinese person and also
in the list of world famous person
and am Shaolin Lanshou Wushu master (WO
and am member of Wushu Association of
Guangzhou and am well versed in all
kinds of Kungfu and Qigong styles and
am champion of the national Shaolin
Lanshou Wushu
and want to become good friend with
you .
and am certain an exchange would
beneficent for your people and would
also represent the friendship between
our countries
Gu Ping have been filled in a form of
ninth Duan by Association of WuShu of
China and now am 10DAN black belt by
Tuesday, June 19 at 06:45 AM:
Donna from DeKalb, IL wrote:
" For Alison,
I am a VERY old friend of your Dad's,
since his first year in Canada! We have
been watching your progress, and are so
proud and thankful that you have been
successful! What a triumph for the
human spirit, and for sisterhood!
Pastor Donna Reilly Williams
grammywilliams@yahoo.com "
Friday, June 8 at 12:06 AM:
sarah from new zealand wrote:
"hi i was just using a search engine for
english our topic being debates
the "moot" is 'men are the weaker sex'
and we a re the affirmative team so we
are looking at it emotionally
laters SARAH"
Thursday, June 7 at 05:06 PM:
sheri from Phx., Az. U.S.A. wrote:
" I am doing a research papre
on "Wemon Leaders: The Educators of
America." Who do you feel are the top
5 qualifing figures in History to
Sunday, May 27 at 09:56 PM:
Rex from Ishpeming,Mi. U.S.A. wrote:
Hope you make it with no injuries. I'm rooting for you.Way to go ladies.Watch out for polar bears.Just kidding.Good luck."
Saturday, May 26 at 09:26 AM:
Patrick from East Lansing wrote:
"For Sue: Congratulations! Wow! Did
producing Gateways prepare you for this?
Tuesday, May 22 at 03:07 PM:
samantha from aylmer wrote:
" U guys had alot of courage and self
confidence to even try doing something
like this. u have inspired many people
and i would like to congradualate all
of you. you did a great job!!!! "
Sunday, May 20 at 07:23 AM:
Cliff from Adman98@hotmail.com wrote:
" Frieda, I own Cliff
Houser&Associates Adv. Corp. Visit my
site at www.cliffhouser.com. Then call
me @ 1-800-878-1172. I'd like to talk
to you about producing your program
footages for distribution.
CH "
Friday, May 11 at 11:39 PM:
Jason from Trout wrote:
" "
Monday, May 7 at 08:42 PM:
Francine Auster Martin from Hong Kong wrote:
" For Susan Carter,
Congratulations on your effort,
leadership and achievement.
Best wishes, Francine "
Monday, May 7 at 05:31 AM:
Valerio from Milano ( Italy ) wrote:
" Congratulations Frida I hope that my
hand warm to coal has used not to
freeze the batteries of the PC 100 and
your hands.
If you want to contact me by e-mail
Congratulation to all the team "
Saturday, May 5 at 01:23 PM:
Joyce & RJ from Ann Arbor, Michigan wrote:
"Congratulations Frida! What a wonderful
accomplishment. I'm sure your Dad has
been watching with great pride.
Tuesday, May 1 at 10:02 AM:
Brigid Rowan from Ottawa wrote:
"Hi Josee,
Congratulations to you and your whole
team for reaching the Pole. Had dinner
with Hans and Meg on Friday and they
are so proud -- it really lifted
everyone's sprits. I got an e-mail
from Cathy in Germany and here's what
she says:
"So Josee made it WOW!! She must be
feeling totally high. Tessum and
Nansan must be feeling really proud!"
Tuesday, May 1 at 06:10 AM:
Niki from Ottawa wrote:
" Hi Jen! Seeing you on the
cover of the Citizen last week made us
choke up! You've served, once again,
as inspiration for girls, women and all
adventurers! Bravo!"
Monday, April 30 at 05:59 PM:
Mary Jo and Torfinn from Toronto, Ontario, Canada wrote:
"Congratulations on every aspect of this
marvellous expedition - the conception,
the organization, the training, the
follow-through and the dramatic finale.
We're so proud of you all! "
Monday, April 30 at 03:47 PM:
Adriann and DonE from Joshua, Texas wrote:
" Dianna,
DonE and I just wanted to tell you Hi
and we hope you had a great trip. When
you talk to David please tell him that
we said hi.
Adriann & DonE"
Monday, April 30 at 03:46 PM:
Charest from Chelsea quebec wrote:
" allo josée yé c'est fait cent
fois bravo.Et comment vont ton doigt et
ton orteil???Pas trop gelés toujours....
À bientôt!!!!XXXXXXXXXXX Lyne
Monday, April 30 at 10:38 AM:
Mary from Ann Arbor wrote:
"Welcome home, Sue and all of the team!
It's great to have your back.
Monday, April 30 at 10:09 AM:
Sarah from Ann Arbor, Michigan USA wrote:
"Hey Kerrie,
Congratulations (to all of you). I am
so impressed and empowered by your
adventures and endurance. Wow! Way to
go! Keep in touch and let me know what
you'll be doing next. I have lots of
questions about school and anthropology
. . . would like to bounce some ideas
off you.
Sarah Phillips "
Monday, April 30 at 09:19 AM:
Kathy tkach from Livonia, MI USA wrote:
"Congratulations on your spectacular
achievement! You have made women
everywhere proud. Kudos to you all.
Michigan Women's Foundation"
Sunday, April 29 at 07:19 PM:
Pa Peg and Ma Meg from Cantley, Quebec wrote:
"Congratulations Josee, Jen, Alison and
all the ladies,
Great stuff! We are very proud of you.
It was indeed a noble effort!!
Sunday, April 29 at 07:06 PM:
Stuart from Deep River, Ontario wrote:
" Congratulations to Canadian Arctic
Holidays for their 15th (I think)
successful expedtion to the North Pole
(with no unsuccessful missions). No
other arctic tour company can claim such
success. They obviously know how to
plan a successful trip taking into
consideration the ability of all
Suart Craig, Deep River, Ontario "
Sunday, April 29 at 02:59 PM:
tina from South Bend, Indiana wrote:
" Congratulations! That was amazing, I
can relate to the feeling. I hiked the
legendary Chilkoot Trail in
Alaska/Canada last summer, and even if
the summit was just 4,000 ft above sea
level, to me it was Mount Everest. I am
probably the first oriental woman 46
years old who has done this from
Indiana. Amazing what women can do and
accomplish if they really set their
hearts on it. Keep trekking.
Tina "
Sunday, April 29 at 11:44 AM:
Sherry Rainey from Horton, Mi wrote:
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! What a wonderful
job you have done---you and your
families must be very proud!!
Sue Carter--if you plan to give a
speech or talk in the Lansing area, I
would love to hear your story---please
let me know---deerviewacres@aol.com"
Saturday, April 28 at 07:00 AM:
Jennifer and Jim from Chelsea, Quebec wrote:
"Jenny and fellow adventurers. WOW! Many
Friday, April 27 at 09:02 PM:
Suzanne Hawley from Seattle, Washington wrote:
" Hi Phyllis,
Congratulations! Can't wait to
hear all about it!
Love, Suzanne
Friday, April 27 at 06:37 PM:
Tom Bartley from East Lansing wrote:
"Hi Lynn, You should be in Khatanga or
close to landing there by now. I wish
you a very safe journey the rest of the
way home. I continue to be in awe of
what you and the others accomplished.
What a fantastic group of women!
Spring has arrived in Michigan and the
flowers you planted last Fall are all
in bloom to welcome you home. As for
me, you know I'll be at the airport on
Monday night! This will be an April
you'll never forget, eh?
Love,Tom "
Friday, April 27 at 12:58 PM:
Bruce Finlayson from Farmington Michigan wrote:
" Congtatulation to all of you--I am
sure your families are very proud of
you as we are of Kerri!
Kerri--looking forward to seeing you!
Dad "
Friday, April 27 at 11:59 AM:
BRETT from MICHIGAN wrote:
Friday, April 27 at 11:52 AM:
alyssa from marquette michigan wrote:
" Hi i think what you guys are
doing is so cool. You guys are really
brave. Good luck and have fun. "
Friday, April 27 at 11:50 AM:
Brett from Gwinn Michigan United States wrote:
"I think that you women are great for
proving that women are as strong as men
probably stronger. I think that you are
really corageous and brave for doing
this. I wishi had the guts to do what
you people did you are spectacular and
great. I hope you people had a good
time. So what was your favorite things
to do up there? What also was the worst
thing up there to happen? Was it a
great journey to the North pole? I hope
you will do it again and you are role
models for every girl i think. GOOD
LUCK GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!! "
Friday, April 27 at 11:41 AM:
alyssa from marquette wrote:
" when did the journey start? "
Friday, April 27 at 09:17 AM:
Peter from Orlando, FL , USA wrote:
"Watched the webcast. Congratulations!
Thank you for displaying the Ripley
banner NASA Mike provided. Would like
to do a Ripley's Believe It or Not!
cartoon about your accomplishment.
Please have a representative call me
upon your return. Great stuff!!!!
Peter MacIntyre
macintyre@ripleys.com "
Friday, April 27 at 08:09 AM:
Mary Goat from Stuttgart, Germany wrote:
"To Frida and the entire team:
Congratulations! We've been following
your progress and celebrating
your success. What great role models
you are for my 2 daughters! Herzlichen
Glueckwunsch! "
Friday, April 27 at 06:27 AM:
AMS from East Lansing wrote:
"Of course you made it!!!! Sending warm
hugs your way. Sue and Phyllis, looking
forward to seeing you in the flesh! "
Friday, April 27 at 03:44 AM:
utog from Quebec wrote:
" http://members.tripod.com/sonoguy/camps.html "
Thursday, April 26 at 07:37 PM:
Pierrette & Jos from Drummondville Quebec wrote:
Bravo Marie Josée Vasseur
nous sommes fiers de toi
Bon retour
Thursday, April 26 at 03:34 PM:
Tom from Scottsdale, Az wrote:
" Fiery Duck Curry in Vindaloo Sauce
6 to 10 dried red chiles, stemmed and broken
1/2 c distilled white vinegar
4 garlic cloves, peeled
1 half-inch piece peeled fresh ginger
2 ts ground cumin
2 ts ground coriander
1/2 ts ground cinnamon
4 lb duck or Cornish hens, quartered and skinned
2 tb mild vegetable oil
1 ts salt, or to taste
1 c water
2 ts sugar
2 tb minced cilantro or parsley
Soak chiles in vinegar for 15 minutes. Add garlic and ginger and
blend into a puree. Scrape mixture into a small bowl. Add cumin,
coriander and cinnamon and mix thoroughly. Coat duck pieces well
with spice paste. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
Heat oil in a large Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Add duck
pieces and brown on all sides. Add salt, water, sugar and any
remaining spice puree. Bring to a boil. Cover and simmer, stirring
occasionally, until duck is tender, about 1 hour. Skim off all fat.
Transfer duck to a heated platter, pour sauce over, and garnish
with minced cilantro.
Thursday, April 26 at 07:42 AM:
Heather from Oshawa, Ontario wrote:
Thursday, April 26 at 06:37 AM:
cousin whetung from curve lake first nation wrote:
" Cousin Buck!
hey, way to go. i read in today's toronto star (thurs. ap. 26) that you made it and are flying home. congratulations!
there are no words for how much awe i feel for what you have accomplished. and pride. and happiness.
love michelle"
Wednesday, April 25 at 10:52 PM:
Jerry Kunnath from Royal Oak, Mi. wrote:
"To Frida and all the women of the Trek--congrats big time--knew you could do it--we are all very proud of the team--cannot wait to talk to you about it Frida---you ladies are a real inspiration to many young girls who have dreams of what they might be able to do, now they have one more shinning example of what they CAN do if they try, and if they follow their dreams--take care and get your much needed and deserved rest--the best part is that all of you made the journey and did it with your health intact in such an extreme enviorment--take care--Jerry Kunnath"
Wednesday, April 25 at 07:40 PM:
Stacey from Haslett, MI wrote:
" Lynn, What an amazing accomplishment! It was so much fun to read the daily updates, especially the articles written by Allison Korn. Congratulations to you and your entire team! See you soon! "
Wednesday, April 25 at 07:21 PM:
Jack from East Lansing,MI wrote:
"Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a show. I am peoud of you all "
Wednesday, April 25 at 06:52 PM:
Donna from Ann Arbor, Michigan wrote:
" Dear Kerri,
We are so proud of you and to say the least exicted that you accomplished such an incredible feat! You make us all humbled by this achievement. Way to go Girl!! Hugs to you! Donna, Ron, Sid and Sarah Phillips "
Wednesday, April 25 at 06:32 PM:
Lucille from Sterling Heights, MI wrote:
" I asked my daughter to send this to you and let you know what a fabulous job you've done! I wish you well on your return trip. You go girls!!!!!!!!!!"
Wednesday, April 25 at 04:05 PM:
Drew from New York wrote:
"Congratulations Jen et al on the completion of your inspirational journey! (I'm the son of your mom's friend Dianne from school. I've been watching your trek from down here in New York!) "
Wednesday, April 25 at 03:27 PM:
Danielle Newlin from Boyne city mi wrote:
" Mrs.Martin excellent job love ya always danielle"
Wednesday, April 25 at 03:04 PM:
Marian from ann arbor wrote:
" Congratulations to your whole team and especially to Sue. I'm sure i won't be the only patroller thinking of you saturday at our Mt. Brighton banquet. We'll toast your accomplishments, and some of us will try harder to get in shape for the next winter season.
Meanwhile use your "inward eye" a la Wordsworth and imagine all our daffodils dancing in the breeze as you head home."
Wednesday, April 25 at 02:18 PM:
Kristina from Saratoga wrote:
"Hi Josee, It's Kristina Irvin. Congratulations on making it to the pole again with all the ladies!! It seems like you had abit rougher trip that we did. Sounds like the food was excellent as usual. Sort of wishing I was there but other plans are fun too. I have to say the return trip was hard and wish you luck. Kristina "
Wednesday, April 25 at 12:14 PM:
Ghazala from East Lansing wrote:
"Hi Lynn :)
Thats Wonderful!!! You did it,I'll be looking forward to hear so much from you when you come back to Lattice.
Well Done.
Wednesday, April 25 at 12:12 PM:
Ghazala from East Lansing wrote:
""Congrats!!!! to you all for completing such a wonderful Expedition.
You really are great Inspiration for the youth.Have a safe journey home..." "
Wednesday, April 25 at 10:39 AM:
Lil from Det.,Mi, USA wrote:
Congratulations!!! to all of you! I'm legally blind, and my imagination is magnified by your adventures. Thank you"
Wednesday, April 25 at 08:33 AM:
" Jen et al; YAHOO!! A great cheer has just lifted the blue roof on Trailhead for you. Congratulations to all of you for a job well done. Look forward to the stories when you get back - stay safe on your journey home
Bev and gang "
Wednesday, April 25 at 08:16 AM:
Ron from San Diego, CA wrote:
"Congrats K.B. and Group from Captain Ron, Bay and Tom the Cat! "
Wednesday, April 25 at 07:59 AM:
Marty from Marquette wrote:
"Frida, congratulations to you and your companions ! "
Wednesday, April 25 at 07:40 AM:
Jim from San Diego, CA wrote:
"Congratulations K.B. and entire Group!!! What an achievement!"
Wednesday, April 25 at 07:03 AM:
k from k wrote:
" Why to go"
Wednesday, April 25 at 06:45 AM:
Faron from Lansing, MI USA wrote:
"Congrats to the whole group-what a wonderful, historic venture! Safe travels home. Hi to Phyllis."
Wednesday, April 25 at 06:15 AM:
Kerry P from Toronto wrote:
"Hi Jen!!!
yay, congrats! what an accomplishment! "
Wednesday, April 25 at 06:11 AM:
Ian from Toronto wrote:
"Hey Jen, congrats!! I knew you'd do it..."
Wednesday, April 25 at 05:45 AM:
Steve from Jupiter wrote:
" Hey sues just wanted to say congrats and its in the 80's "
Wednesday, April 25 at 05:44 AM:
Gail from Chelsea. Quebec, Canada wrote:
"Congratulations!! You made it!! Gail & john Partington "
Wednesday, April 25 at 05:41 AM:
Lynn from Marquette Michigan wrote:
" Dear Sue, Josee, Lynn, Kathy, Jennifer, Diana, Kerri, Phyllis, Alison, Susan, Marie-Josee, and, most especially, Frida-
Now come on home so we can party!!
Wednesday, April 25 at 05:11 AM:
hap from boyne city wrote:
" Way to go Sue P. We.re all proud of you! Heard about the hypothermia, and am glad you're ok! Lou and the Boyne nordic shop team all say congrats! "
Wednesday, April 25 at 05:10 AM:
hap from boyne city wrote:
" Way to go Sue P. We.re all proud of you! Heard about the hypothermia, and am glad you're ok! Lou and the Boyne nordic shop team all say congrats! "
Wednesday, April 25 at 04:29 AM:
Kirsten and Linnea Norman from Farmington Hills wrote:
"Kerri and Team,
Way to go! What an amazing feat! Congratulations and bring us home some of that superb VODKA!!! Have a safe journey back home....the flowers are blooming! :)"
Wednesday, April 25 at 02:47 AM:
Mitzi Miles, 105.1 WGRV from Detroit, Michigan wrote:
"We wish you a safe journey and also have a few questions to ask.
Did you take any momentos or good luck pieces along with you?
There are 12 women all together (that's a lot of estrogen), what do you do if somone starts to get on your nerves?
Have you seen any animals? What would you do if you did run into a polar bear?
Wednesday, April 25 at 01:41 AM:
Errol from Kaaawa, Hawaii USA wrote:
"Congrats Susan...One more 'for the Bear!'
Love, Errol "
Tuesday, April 24 at 11:51 PM:
Ann from Diana's Squadron wrote:
" Sorry Diana, I had a three year old on my lap and became brain dead for a moment thus typing in Deb!
Tuesday, April 24 at 11:20 PM:
liz from santa monica wrote:
hey kb - wanna head to the desert soon??!?"
Tuesday, April 24 at 11:19 PM:
Ann from Ramstein AFB Deb's Squadron! wrote:
" Whoo Hoooo! This is late but congrats to all! It can be done it was done and yes, Jesse Ventura (please note he was called "The Body" not "the brain"! Can stick a "frozen sock" in it! Thanks so much for your wonderfull web site and you ladies are heros to at least one little girl (mine).
Ann Goodwin"
Tuesday, April 24 at 11:19 PM:
liz from santa monica wrote:
"oh my god. how amazing all of you are!! there are so many beautiful things in this world but none more beautiful than the human spirit. congratulations. and thanks for being such an inspiration to go out and do things others wouldn't even dream about. now, go home and enjoy your families and dogs!! ;)"
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:57 PM:
Kitty from Naknek,AK wrote:
" Frida and Everyone!
Thanks for taking the challenge for all of us back home. "
Tuesday, April 24 at 08:31 PM:
Katelin, Alexandra & family from Beaverton, Ontario Canada wrote:
Tuesday, April 24 at 07:08 PM:
Traci Ditchie from Roseville, Michigan wrote:
"Way to go ladies!!!
Sue Carter -- I was a student of yours in 19-98 and I admired you then! What an accomplishment!! I knew you would make it!
Traci Ditchie "
Tuesday, April 24 at 06:40 PM:
Pam from Ketchum, Idaho wrote:
"Your on top of the world, KB and WOMENQUESTERS! It's a great accomplishment. I'm just wondering what I'll do with all my free time now that I'm not checking into your progress. See ya' on the beach!"
Tuesday, April 24 at 06:39 PM:
mary ann from lansing,mi wrote:
" Women Rock "
Tuesday, April 24 at 06:22 PM:
Pryce from Marquette wrote:
"Great job Frida & Company!! We are all cheering in da' U.P."
Tuesday, April 24 at 06:10 PM:
Goat from Chicago, IL wrote:
" Frida, you made it to the true Camp Northern!!! Can't wait for the video and a bottle of vino. "
Tuesday, April 24 at 05:57 PM:
Cousins Norm & Liz from Jaffa Ontario wrote:
" Don't mean to sexist, but women did it!! This surpasses man walking on the moon. Congratulations!! "
Tuesday, April 24 at 05:06 PM:
SAM from Plainwell, MI wrote:
Yes..I do wish you ladies well.
You really showed a lot of guts. I'm a good skier, but skiing twenty or more hours was mmore than I and my buddies could have done, or wanted to try to do. Our hats are off to you. Even we don't listen to WKMI, so I hope it doesn't bother you.You're tops! SAM
Tuesday, April 24 at 03:33 PM:
Jo-Anna from Petoskey, Michigan wrote:
You (all of you) did it! What a proud moment this must be for you as a group. I am in awe of your accomplishments and courage. Mostly, I am grateful that you will be returning soon. I can't wait to hear about your journey. What a fabulous story to tell the children.........and it's your story! Jo-Anna "
Tuesday, April 24 at 03:12 PM:
Marge from Petoskey wrote:
" Congrats, ladies.. I am proud of you all. What an advrnture and what a tremendous sense of accomplishment you must be feeling. A big step forward for women everywhere!!!!!!!
Kerri, who will teach use of a compass for your next archaeology class? Hope to see you soon. Marge "
Tuesday, April 24 at 03:05 PM:
Andrea from Salt Lake City, Utah USA wrote:
" I just read about the group today(4-24-01) in the SL Tribune, I can't tell you all how inspiring your quest is. Good Luck!! Maybe this could become a "once a year" gathering you could all attend, and share what has happened that year. Anyway just an idea. "
Tuesday, April 24 at 03:02 PM:
andrea from Salt Lake City, Utah USA wrote:
" "
Tuesday, April 24 at 02:51 PM:
Melissa from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada wrote:
"Congrats girls! I've been following the whole trek through Alison's articles in the Citizen and I am hooked on you guys! I'm so proud of your accomplishment and I don't even know you personally! The group of women has inspired myself and many others around the world! Thanks so much! "
Tuesday, April 24 at 02:50 PM:
Amy, Dan, & Michael from Idaho wrote:
"Way to go team!! I knew you could do it."
Tuesday, April 24 at 02:38 PM:
Becky from Boston, MA wrote:
" Go Kerri!!!! I'm watching you live on the internet!!! 5:40 pm 4/24! I love you!!!"
Tuesday, April 24 at 02:31 PM:
Joe Hamel from Marquette, MI USA wrote:
" Sue Carter, I'm of you. Congratulations to you and the team.
Joe "
Tuesday, April 24 at 02:28 PM:
Jim from Kalamazoo wrote:
" Sue Carter and the rest... Congrats. It looks like those laps around Lake Lansing paid off.
- Your ice boating fans from Lake Lansing. "
Tuesday, April 24 at 02:21 PM:
Mary from East Lansing wrote:
"Hey Phyllis! I wish I had a good one-liner for you, but all I can think to say is CONGRATULATIONS!!"
Tuesday, April 24 at 02:08 PM:
John, Midge and family from Ishpeming, Michigan USA wrote:
" CONGRADULATIONS, We're VERY proud of ALL of you! You have accomplished a MONUMENTAL task. Frida...We were thinking of you and pulling for you all the way. We just figured out how to get on this site. Glad it was in time to congradulate you and your team. We knew you could do it. After all you're a YOOPER!! See you when you get back. Take care. "
Tuesday, April 24 at 02:04 PM:
Becky from Boston, MA wrote:
" Way to go Kerri! Congrats!
I'm trying to watch the webcast but it's not working!!!! 5 pm ET 4/24!"
Tuesday, April 24 at 01:57 PM:
TV6 from Marquette, Michigan wrote:
"We are hoping to broadcast the webcast in the news tonight "
Tuesday, April 24 at 01:38 PM:
Bill from Marquette Mi wrote:
" Nice goin Freda you betcha! "
Tuesday, April 24 at 01:38 PM:
Mel from Zeeland, MI wrote:
"Hi Frida!!!!
Congrats on making it!!! I used to be Melissa Cheney (i lived on Fernwood and babysat for eryka and ian!) You are the kind of woman that makes me proud to be a woman! "
Tuesday, April 24 at 01:33 PM:
Jolene from Ann Arbor, MI wrote:
" You guys are awesome!!!! Hey Phyllis, hellow from your friends at SCUP!!!!
Tuesday, April 24 at 11:45 AM:
Gene from Cheboygan, Michigan wrote:
" Congratulations!!!! I'm male, taught
Elementary Ed. in Petoskey for 26 years
and tried to instill in ALL my students
that they could succeed regardless of
race,color,creed,or gender. I'm proud
that Michigan teachers from Boyne City
and Petoskey are on the teams."
Tuesday, April 24 at 11:25 AM:
"Susan and Kerri,
From Charlevoix Public Schools, Congrats, you have made Northern Michigan very proud!
Hurry home it is Spring!!
Tuesday, April 24 at 11:20 AM:
Marble School - Rm 19 Fifth Grade from East Lansing, Mich wrote:
" Congratulations - Have you seen any polar bears? (Bruce)
Was it hard telling the difference from old ice to new ice? (Scott)
How does it feel to prove all the doubtors wrong? (Tommy)
Were you scared when you found patches of water or leads? (Katie)
Was it hard to find your way without landmarks? (Mallory)
How did it feel when you first learned that you have reached the pole? (Maria) "
Tuesday, April 24 at 11:13 AM:
Jayne from Ann Arbor wrote:
"Sue -- CONGRATULATIONS! I heard a
lone skateboarder late last night
(bet there are none of those where
you are!) and had warm thoughts of you.
Take good care, even on the way home.
Jayne "
Tuesday, April 24 at 11:12 AM:
Shirley from Bradenton,Fl US wrote:
CONGRATUATIONS ! I have enjoyed
following your TREK. Best of luck with
the rest of your lives. "
Tuesday, April 24 at 11:03 AM:
Pat Ali from San Ramon, CA wrote:
" Mabruk (Congratulations!) to my sister, Lynn Bartley, and all of the other women of the team!! We're all very proud of you and, I'm not ashamed to say, breathing a sigh of relief that you're all safe and sound at your goal!
I can't wait to talk to you, Lynn! Be on the lookout for a "welcome home" gift from little sister, Patti. Lots of love!"
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:53 AM:
Ryan from Canton, MI wrote:
" I hope your having fun!"
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:52 AM:
Ms. Marcy(computer mom) from Canton, MI wrote:
" Hi guys! hope all is well and i hope everything is goin your way, it must be so tough hang in there. We would love to see you again Sue or any of your friends here at Flossie B. Tonda Elem. Our kids have been following you for awhile and are very inspired by all of you. Your always in our thoughts."
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:45 AM:
Austin from canton MI wrote:
" i hope you are having a great time.!!! "
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:45 AM:
Austin from canton MI wrote:
" i hope you are having a great time.!!! "
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:43 AM:
Kevin from Canton wrote:
"You guys are pretty cool with all that a equipment stuf.Oh yha please come back to Tonda. "
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:39 AM:
mac from c wrote:
"I hope you had A good tim"
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:38 AM:
Diana from Canton,MI wrote:
"Dear Sue Carter,
Come and see us at Tonda.I hope you are having a good time at the North Pole!Enjoy!
Diana "
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:38 AM:
Chris from Conton mi wrote:
" I hope you had a good time.
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:36 AM:
Nik from Canton,MI. wrote:
"Hi I hope you have a good trip. "
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:35 AM:
Nathan from Canton,MI wrote:
"Good Luck!!!!!!!"
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:35 AM:
lindsey from canton, MI wrote:
" Hi! What is it like to be up there? Is it fun to ski cross country? I hope you come back to tonda!!!!! Please Sue Carter!
Lindsey!!!! "
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:32 AM:
Johanna from Canton,MI. wrote:
"Hey Guys,
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:32 AM:
Shawn from Canton MI wrote:
"HI! my name is Shawn how are you doing come back to Tonda pppppplllllleeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeeee "
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:29 AM:
Justin from Canton,Michigan. wrote:
"I hope you had a great trip I hope you can come back and visit. "
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:28 AM:
Johanna from Canton, wrote:
" "
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:26 AM:
GILL ( Grace) from CANTON ,MI wrote:
" I was in the front page of the news paper because I was listening to Sue Carter shes nice I got to put on her backpack she put two pots in it I allmost fell over. From,
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:26 AM:
Stefanie from Canton, MI wrote:
"I really hope that you will make it!I just have a few questions: Can you please come back to Tonda School? How many days will it take to ski across the Arctic? Are you Arron Carter's mom? "
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:24 AM:
jon dugan from canton M.I wrote:
"whz I was wondering if you saw any animals.I want to know if it was fun.I hope you come back to visit us again at tonda elem "
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:24 AM:
Chelsey from Canton MI wrote:
"Wazup did you had a nice trip welcome back Sue Carter!I hope you come back and visit us at Tonda Sue. "
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:24 AM:
Adorabelle from Canton,Michigian wrote:
" I hope u had a safe trip. Welcome back! How was it like? It must have been cool!Can u visit us Sue Carter. "
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:24 AM:
stephanie from Canton,Michigan wrote:
" Hi!i hope you have a safe trip.Make it! "
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:23 AM:
k eith from canton,mi wrote:
" watsup I hope you make it."
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:23 AM:
Karl from Portage, MI wrote:
Congratulations to all of you on the womenquest team. You have
made us educators proud. You have exhibited sterling qualities these past weeks. I heard WKMI the morning the pahetic jokester was on. He is an embarrassment. I'm sorry. But,then, there's all types out here.
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:21 AM:
Molly from Petoskey wrote:
" Great job! "
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:21 AM:
CONNOR from CANTON, MI wrote:
"wasup good luck.........."
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:21 AM:
jai from canton MI . wrote:
" Whz up hope you make it there.
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:20 AM:
Dennis and Nancy from Marquette, Michigan wrote:
"Congratulations Frida and the rest of the WomenQuest Team. All of training and careful planning has paid off! We've been following you everyday and knew that you'd make it. See you back in Marquette."
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:20 AM:
Jake from Canton Michigan wrote:
" Hi I hope you make it and don`t forget to have fun!!!!!!!!!!"
Tuesday, April 24 at 10:19 AM:
connor from Canton MI wrote:
" "
Tuesday, April 24 at 09:46 AM:
BarryB from Marquette wrote:
"Frida and everyone. Congratulations!! Wish I could be there. Actually, I like my
vacations in warm weather LOL!! I've been following your trek everyday. I knew you would make it. "
Tuesday, April 24 at 09:43 AM:
Joe, Mary, Meagan and Devin from Marquette, Michigan, USA wrote:
"Congratulations to you all! Frida, we've been thinking about how cold Marquette is and then we see what you are up to! We also pass along hellos and congratulations from Star.
Have any polar bears inquired as to how good of a meal you would make? Best wishes to you and your colleagues. Again, congratulations! "
Tuesday, April 24 at 09:23 AM:
DON from KANSAS CITY wrote:
Tuesday, April 24 at 08:42 AM:
Mark and Jami from Petoskey, MI USA wrote:
"Kerri (and of course the rest of the trekkers), you are awesome!!! We're so proud of and happy for you. We knew you could do it, but it's wonderful to have that knowledge confirmed. Looking forward to your return. "
Tuesday, April 24 at 08:32 AM:
lee lynch from kansas city missouri u.s.a. wrote:
" good going ladies keep us up to date cangragulations'''''' "
Tuesday, April 24 at 08:17 AM:
Tracey from Farmington Hills wrote:
"Congatulations to everyone- You women are amazing and YOU DID IT!!!!!!!My hat goes off to all of you. Thank you for being the unique inspiration you all are for people who want to accomplish their dreams. You really showed the meaning of true teamwork. I love you, Kerri! "
Tuesday, April 24 at 08:16 AM:
Gail from Chilliwack British Columbia Canada wrote:
"Way to go ladies!!!!!"
Tuesday, April 24 at 08:13 AM:
Sue from Haslett, Michigan, U.S.A. wrote:
"Lynn and team: Congratulations! We've been checking on your progress daily. (Especially enjoyed Alison Korn's articles.) We never had any doubt that you'd make it but knew it would be tough. Look forward to having you back home! "
Tuesday, April 24 at 08:13 AM:
Sue from Haslett, Michigan, U.S.A. wrote:
"Lynn and team: Congratulations! We've been checking on your progress daily. (Especially enjoyed Alison Korn's articles.) We never had any doubt that you'd make it but knew it would be tough. Look forward to having you back home! "
Tuesday, April 24 at 07:57 AM:
Dawn, Jas, & Josh from Boyne City wrote:
" Sue, You did it! we are all so proud of you. What an acomplishment. You must be overwhelmed right now. I imagine that you and everyone else are on quite an emotional roller coaster. CONGRATULATIONS!! We can't wait for you to get home now so we can hear all about it. That is after a few days of sleep. "
Tuesday, April 24 at 07:54 AM:
Cindy from MSU wrote:
" Sue and Everyone:
We are all cheering for you: can you hear us? We pray you all return safely with all fingers and toes! "
Tuesday, April 24 at 07:54 AM:
Cindy from East Lansing wrote:
"Congratulations to you all! Hi Phyllis! Great work and determination yield good things and we knew you could do it! We will celebrate heartily when you return but want you to know that we are thinking of you and talking about you NOW! So proud of all of you. Much love... "
Tuesday, April 24 at 07:28 AM:
Brian from Haslett wrote:
"GREAT JOB LYNN! We at TV25 wish you all the best. You are all AMAZING! "
Tuesday, April 24 at 07:27 AM:
sue from east lansing, MI USA wrote:
"Well Done!!! I'm proud of you all. This is so GREAT!!!! "
Tuesday, April 24 at 07:10 AM:
Lucy from Salt Lake City, UT , USA wrote:
" You women are a great inspiration and it is women like you that make this such an exciting adventure. Thank you and good luck.
I would like to know what was the hardest part of this journey for you? "
Tuesday, April 24 at 07:09 AM:
edward from Ottawa wrote:
" Hi to Jennifer and good luck to all. it has been very interesting following your daily events."
Tuesday, April 24 at 07:08 AM:
Veronika from North Central Michigan College wrote:
" Dear Women Trekkers;
Congratulations on your awesome adventure and the accomplishments you have made. Kerri- It is like summertime down here in Michigan, I can hardly wait to hear more of your adventure. See you soon. "
Tuesday, April 24 at 06:53 AM:
CabananBoy from Mt. Brighton wrote:
"Sue, Congratulations to you and the team. Dreams really do come true. You all did it. Top of the world!!! "
Tuesday, April 24 at 06:52 AM:
BarbK from Alanson/Petoskey, MI USA wrote:
" This message for all, but especially for Kerri!
What an amazingly wonderful accomplishment. I am so very proud of you and of what you represent!
thanks for doing this for us all.
Barb "
Tuesday, April 24 at 06:49 AM:
Kirsten and Linnea from Farmington Hills, MI wrote:
" Kerri,
Good luck today! We've been following your progress! Excellent job! "
Tuesday, April 24 at 06:45 AM:
Mike from Baltimore, Maryland wrote:
Congrats from everyone at MGI in Chicago and Maryland. We look forward to Denny relaying some stories.
You are all truly an inspiration for everyone.
Tuesday, April 24 at 06:38 AM:
Peggy from BCMS, Boyne City, MI wrote:
" Susan M., Peg W. said to tell you "hi".. she is so excited she can't think straight! We are all so proud and releived that all is well. Love, PB "
Tuesday, April 24 at 06:36 AM:
Denny from Hinsdale, IL wrote:
" I stepped out of the shower this morning to excited screams from Lauri (my wife) “They made it, they made it!). Everyday your team has been in my family’s thoughts and conversations. Thank you for the inspiration you have provided for my family.
Savor every moment and remember every detail. Frida, I’ll bring the coffee, you bring the stories.
Tuesday, April 24 at 06:33 AM:
Peggy Baker from BCMS, Boyne City, MI wrote:
" Susan M., Kerri and everyone! Congratulations! I am so excited for all of you.. can't wait to watch the NASA broadcast today! Awaiting your return to Michigan. Love, Peggy B "
Tuesday, April 24 at 06:24 AM:
Mary from Marquette, MI wrote:
" Congrats on your success. You made it altogether as a team! I have goosebumps just thinking about all you have experienced. You make all of dream BIG dreams. Way to go women!!! "
Tuesday, April 24 at 06:20 AM:
anthony from nc of anmerica wrote:
" "
Tuesday, April 24 at 06:13 AM:
NCMC from Petoskey, Michigan wrote:
"Congratulations Kerri and Susan! You did it! Everyone here is SO PROUD of you!! Is our flag flying at the Pole? If you get on TV try to work our name in! Miss you, see you soon! "
Tuesday, April 24 at 06:12 AM:
Anne from Haslett,MI,USA wrote:
"All of the first graders cheered when we read that you are almost there.
They think we should celebrate!!! Hurrah to all of you! "
Tuesday, April 24 at 05:57 AM:
Nancy from Overland Park Ks,(kansas City) wrote:
" Congratulations, I am a 45 year old fittness and spinning instructor who takes great pride in motivating others to be the best they can, I get my inspiration from women like you, thanks for never giving up. Nancy in K.C. "
Tuesday, April 24 at 05:52 AM:
LuAnn from Haslett High School from Haslett wrote:
"Hey Lynn . . . I have goosebumps just thinking of the emotions you must be feeling as you are closing in on your destination. A dream come true. You are awesome. GREAT JOB!!!! See you soon. "
Tuesday, April 24 at 05:37 AM:
Nicole from Marquette wrote:
"WOO-HOO!!!! I'm so psyched for all of you! How absolutely wonderful! Frida--thanks for the call(s), and if you have any *possible* chance to do it again today, I'll have my ear plastered to the phone! CONGRATULATIONS!"
Tuesday, April 24 at 05:31 AM:
Suzanne from East Lansing, MI wrote:
"What an inspiration you are to us all and to women especially. Congratulations to an amazing group of steel magnolias! "
Tuesday, April 24 at 05:31 AM:
jazz from Las Vegas wrote:
" Way to go Mom! "
Tuesday, April 24 at 05:29 AM:
Suzanne from East Lansing, MI wrote:
" "
Tuesday, April 24 at 05:26 AM:
Pat from East Lansing wrote:
"Hurray for Phyllis and all the team! Just one more burst of energy and you'll be there for all of us! "
Tuesday, April 24 at 05:24 AM:
Jeff from Alexandria, VA wrote:
"Congratulations Kerri and everyone else on the team!!Enjoy the view and return safely. "
Tuesday, April 24 at 05:24 AM:
Jean from Haslett wrote:
" Lynn and others...Congratulations! I'm so excited for you, and relieved. Anxious to hear all about it! "
Tuesday, April 24 at 05:19 AM:
NAN from SPARROW Health System wrote:
" CONGRATULATIONS!! Never doubted your determination or ability to accomplish your goal. Travel safely and return home triumphant."
Tuesday, April 24 at 05:08 AM:
russ from marquette,michigan wrote:
" congratulations frida, now thats what i call a north country trail! "
Tuesday, April 24 at 05:01 AM:
Veronica from Haslett High School wrote:
"WAY TO GO!!!!!!!! I cannot wait to hear more!
Tuesday, April 24 at 04:52 AM:
Kinger from Haslett, Michigan, USA wrote:
" Congratulations Lynn and all. What great role models. See you back in the workout room.
Tuesday, April 24 at 04:38 AM:
Kathy from Haslett Middle School wrote:
" Congratulations:)
We at Haslett Middle School are proud of all of you and can't wait for you to get back so we can hear all about your adventure.
Kathy, Gail and Judy
Tuesday, April 24 at 04:26 AM:
Sarah from Lathrup Village, MI USA wrote:
" On behalf of all the women in my family, past, present and future, thank you for pushing the boundaries of what's acceptable and possible for women. Women have always gone beyond endurance for necessity; it's nice to see you doing it for personal choice and glory!!!!!!!!! "
Tuesday, April 24 at 04:26 AM:
Linda from Haslett wrote:
"Lynn - I knew you could do it!!!! Congratulations! "
Tuesday, April 24 at 04:21 AM:
Andrea from Westland, MI wrote:
You truly amaze me! I have been anxiously awaiting every update through the website and am SO incredibly proud of you. You are, as always, HARD CORE!
Andrea "
Tuesday, April 24 at 03:57 AM:
Nancy from Boyne City wrote:
" Susan and all,
Congratulations! what a wonderful success!I've kept up with you the whole way. Hurry home Sue, Barn Mountain is full of leeks and trillium...we can walk it without packs!!!Hannah and I await your return!!!!Enjoy these last few days...Love us "
Tuesday, April 24 at 03:39 AM:
Faye from Ishpeming, MI USA wrote:
"Way to go ladies, knew you could do it. hello Frida see you back in Marquette County. "
Tuesday, April 24 at 03:06 AM:
Peanut from The World wrote:
"Only a very few women have been to both the north and south pole. One of them is in this group - Diana Ciserella!!!"
Tuesday, April 24 at 03:06 AM:
Meir from Rehovot Israel wrote:
" Hope you enjoy the cold white surrounding. Goodluck from the Holy Land. Please pray for peace for Israel. and I pray for you to get healty back home. God will be with you.
Tuesday, April 24 at 03:00 AM:
Bill from St Johns,MI USA wrote:
"Congratulations to each member of the team. I have followed your journey each day and fine it a great experience -but from a warm environment. Fine job up there you each deserve a lot of respect.
Bill "
Tuesday, April 24 at 02:36 AM:
susanna from Gela, Italya wrote:
" Hi I am an Italian journalist
I am writing an article about you and the mission
Please give me some comments of yours!
Tuesday, April 24 at 02:25 AM:
Francine from Marquette wrote:
"I meant, not only are you strong women, but you are women of strength. There is a difference, and you are both of them. And Frida, Buck had an update on your team on Discovering last night, just after he had a story on your father and the Fred Waara chapter of TU. The new president is... a woman!!! Way to LFF, ski you back home... Frani "
Tuesday, April 24 at 02:19 AM:
Francine from Marquette wrote:
" CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Way to go! I am so PROUD of you and your success. Also very proud of how you worked as a team, taking everything into consideration and only going as fast as the slowest one... plus, having the respect for life... You are not only strong women, you are somen of strength! Chin-chin, Prosit, Cheers, Itaidakimasu! In any language, enjoy your vodka and your success. I raise my glass at home to all of you! Warm hugs and a safe trip home. (Frida... your father knows and is so proud of you. XOXOX) Love, Frani "
Monday, April 23 at 11:50 PM:
george from Corpus Christi, Tx. wrote:
"Great job, girls.
You make America proud! "
Monday, April 23 at 11:23 PM:
Andrea, Dean & Alison from Ramstein, Germany wrote:
" Diana, You are awesome!!! Alison's class has followed your trek and can't wait for another visit. Have a safe trip home."
Monday, April 23 at 10:27 PM:
Zach from Okemos, MI wrote:
" Congratulations to Sue Carter and everyone else! Enjoy the trip home."
Monday, April 23 at 09:49 PM:
Susan from Louisville, KY ,US wrote:
" Congratulations! You all are doing great. We are proud of you."
Monday, April 23 at 09:31 PM:
Sally from Moraga, California, USA wrote:
" Lynn we love you and so proud of your accomplishments. We are thinking of you and sending lots of spirit, as you make this final push to the North Pole..Fred, Sally, and all of the family "
Monday, April 23 at 09:12 PM:
Jean from Crystal Falls, MI wrote:
"Eureka! If only I could do cartwheels like Frida does. Congratulations to all the strong women. Safe trip home. "
Monday, April 23 at 08:50 PM:
Bill and Sandy from Blue Springs, Mo wrote:
" WOW! We were so excited and proud of all of you. We have been following you all the way and knew you would do it. Can't wait to see you Lynn."
Monday, April 23 at 08:47 PM:
Jean from Crystal Falls, MI wrote:
"Hurrah! and if I could do cartwheels like Frida I would. You gals are the greatest. The MOWA group all knew you could do it. "
Monday, April 23 at 08:45 PM:
TM from Los Angeles, California wrote:
"KB, Congrats! You definitely win for best vacation story!!!! Can't wait to hear all about it! Congrats to the whole team. "
Monday, April 23 at 08:42 PM:
Marnie McBean from Toronto wrote:
" Hey Alison and the gang...I have been following the trip and its been exciting. I've been to Baffin Isl. and I'll tell 'ya...Robert Service poetry will never be the same once you've been to the Arctic... and the Pole no less. Good job, you must all be so proud. "
Monday, April 23 at 08:41 PM:
Clarice from Chesterfield, Virginia wrote:
" I was in Michigan visiting my Mom when I saw your story on the News 9&10 last week. I have been praying for you and checking your web site. Congratulations to all of you. "
Monday, April 23 at 08:20 PM:
Renee from Marquette MI USA wrote:
" YOU ALL DID IT!!!! It must feel great to be on top of the world!!!
Frida, I can't wait to see you and to hear your stories. You did it girl, you did it. I am so proud of you!!!
Monday, April 23 at 08:08 PM:
KB's Friends from Ketchum, Idaho wrote:
"Greetings from the grand State of Idaho, birth place of the brave and persistant Kathy Braegger. We're toasting the occassion with an ice-cold Sun Valley ale: "Here's to a world united in peace under one The North Pole with justice for all!!!" Great job memebers of WOMENQUEST! No leads nor pressure ridges nor endless frozen terrain can keep you down! "
Monday, April 23 at 08:05 PM:
Tom Bartley from East Lansing, Michigan wrote:
"To Lynn, Way to go Love, and to all of the trek members! What a truly amazing achievement! Sweet dreams sleeping at the north pole. Love, Tom xoxox "
Monday, April 23 at 08:04 PM:
Zeb from Marquette MI USA wrote:
" Never doubted it for one minute that you girls would not make it, I knew you would. Frida you are one heck of an insperation to all of us youpers. Come home soon I saw rons dirt bike in the back of his truck - I think he misses ya. ZEB "
Monday, April 23 at 07:57 PM:
Pat from Calgary wrote:
" It has been exciting to follow you to the North Pole. Congratulations A special greeting to Jen Buck, your mom Susan must be very happy. "
Monday, April 23 at 07:49 PM:
Diana from Marquette, MI wrote:
" Congrads to you all!!! WOW!!! YOU DID IT!!! Knew you could and you would!! There's HUGE YOOPER SMILES everywhere!! Very proud of the team's awesome accomplishment! What a tribute to women...what a gift you've given us! Hurry home Frida, we want to hear "the rest of the story!" "
Monday, April 23 at 07:43 PM:
Mona from Mont-Tremblant - Québec wrote:
" Félicitations Marie-Josée. Je te félicite, ainsi que toutes tes compagnes, pour votre grand courage et détermination. Au plaisir de te voir prochainement. Jules se joint à moi. "
Monday, April 23 at 07:41 PM:
Lou from Philadelphia, PA wrote:
"Congratulations to the group on completing such daunting and awe-inspring undertaking. Especially to Marie-Josee for all her hard work preparing for the expedition. "
Monday, April 23 at 07:36 PM:
Lisa from East Lansing, Michigan USA wrote:
" Congratulations on reaching your goal! I am very happy for you. It was facinating learning about your adventures."
Monday, April 23 at 07:36 PM:
Tom and Rose Ann from Chelsea Quebec Canada wrote:
"Hi Jenny
Congratulations. Don't forget to spin around when you're at the pole and pass through 24 time zones in one second.
Monday, April 23 at 07:35 PM:
Nick from Pacific Palisades, CA U.S.A. wrote:
"Dear Ladies!
Good Luck!
Nick. "
Monday, April 23 at 07:30 PM:
Marc from Laprairie wrote:
"A Marie-Joe, Félicitations pour tous le travail que vous avez accomplie. J'ai parlé à Jean ce soir (lundi) il savait de Nicole que vous étiez sur le toit du monde. On t'aime et à la prochaine.
Monday, April 23 at 07:23 PM:
Richard and Sheryl from Bridgewater, New Jersey wrote:
"We never doubted for a minute that you would make it. Called Mom and Dad the second we read that you were one kilometer away from True North. They are elated and send all their love to Lynn and all the other goddesses. "
Monday, April 23 at 07:17 PM:
Santa from North Ple wrote:
"Congratulations Ladies, come back and see me anytime!"
Monday, April 23 at 07:17 PM:
Bill from 332 Admin, E. Lansing wrote:
"Way to go everyone!!! Absolutely incredible! Phyllis, when you get back, we're goin' for the best chocalate I can find to celebrate!!! "
Monday, April 23 at 07:07 PM:
Margie from Crystal Falls, MI wrote:
"Great job. Frida, Jean Dohms was in today with her WomenQuest patch. she's been following you too.. "
Monday, April 23 at 07:06 PM:
Tom and Andrew from Mishawaka, In. U.S.A. wrote:
" Sue, That mental push helped after all. Congratulations on making the trip all success.We'll see you soon. "
Monday, April 23 at 07:02 PM:
Lin from Lemont, IL, USA wrote:
" Holy wa! George and I are breaking out the vodka and toasting to your success. We've been "following" you daily - you are awesome! "
Monday, April 23 at 07:00 PM:
Lyn and Paula from Williamston wrote:
"We KNEW you would make it!
Monday, April 23 at 06:55 PM:
Kim from Clio MI wrote:
" Hi, I have been following your trek very closely and wanted to congradulate you all on your accomplishments...It was very interesting to follow and know what you all had to do to get as far as you did. I am in the 9th grade and found your trek very interesting...My class had gone to the planetarium to find out more things about your trek before you all left...I couldnt make it and was upset by it because I found this all very exciting...Congrats on everything and I hope you had a blast!"
Monday, April 23 at 06:54 PM:
Ann from Skandia wrote:
" You are amazing!!! Truly spectacular and awesome. Buck ran footage on his show tonight of Fred fishing. Knew right then that your angel would be there with you, and all would be great, Frida. Love you and SO PROUD of you all! Hurry home! Want to hear the stories! aw "
Monday, April 23 at 06:51 PM:
Mallory from Michigan wrote:
" Congradulations from LakeVille
Middle School! We are excited to hear about your progress.
Monday, April 23 at 06:42 PM:
Jean from Granby, Québec, Canada wrote:
"Félicitation à vous tous. Congratulation to all of you.
La sensation doit être extrême d'atteindre la destination après tant d'efforts.
Monday, April 23 at 06:37 PM:
BILL Argall from Ishpeming Mi wrote:
" Very proud of all off you and fredda well be waiting to hear your stories when you get back
Bill Argall and Dan Raish"
Monday, April 23 at 06:34 PM:
Mike Baker from Grand Blanc wrote:
"Good job Ladies! You made it seem almost too easy.
Best wishes to all especially cousin Kerri."
Monday, April 23 at 06:25 PM:
Sue from East Lansing, MI USA wrote:
"Best wishes to you all!
Many warm thoughts and wishes to Lynn from the third graders at Wilcox School in Holt."
Monday, April 23 at 06:21 PM:
Sue Finlayson from Farmington Hills wrote:
" North Pole bound you are
You sure have gone far!
You all certainly have been in our prayers
And of clothing we hope you have many layers!
You all are the very best
Because you are Womenquest
Love to Kerri and all team members! "
Monday, April 23 at 06:18 PM:
Mary from ann arbor wrote:
"Way to go girls! Congrats to all. See you when you get back. "
Monday, April 23 at 06:13 PM:
the higgins from boyne city wrote:
"congratulation! we are so very proud of you all and especially our home town woman, sue martin. heres to a safe trip back to the states. way to go ladies!!!!
Monday, April 23 at 06:02 PM:
Brendon from Ann Arbor MI US wrote:
" Aunt Sue congratulations on making it.
See You Soon.
M And D say Congrats. too
P.S. Emirl had his 1000 show! "
Monday, April 23 at 05:51 PM:
Dennis from Illinois wrote:
" Congratulations to all you special ladies. It's wonderful to here you've accomplished your goal, were all very proud of each of you. Can't wait to here from you Diana, everyone have a safe trip home or to your next adventure. Love Den "
Monday, April 23 at 05:49 PM:
Matt from Orlando, Florida wrote:
"Best of luck and don't forget your hats!"
Monday, April 23 at 05:40 PM:
Amanda from East Lansing wrote:
"Mom, I am so in awe of you! Dr. Irene sends her best wishes and congratulations! Now work your way back here...I need my mom. I love you, Amanda
Monday, April 23 at 05:34 PM:
Ben & Matt from Iron Mountain, Michigan wrote:
"Congratulations - we knew you could do it!"
Monday, April 23 at 05:28 PM:
Dale from Kaiserslautern, Germany wrote:
" Thanks for the surprise late night call from the Pole. If you did not give me the web address I would not have belived it. Enjoy you stay.
Dale "
Monday, April 23 at 05:24 PM:
Chris from NCMC Library wrote:
" Nice Job, Ladies! Stay warm, good luck on the way back! "
Monday, April 23 at 05:21 PM:
susan from hamilton lakes/VULCAN, MI 49892 wrote:
Monday, April 23 at 05:20 PM:
Steve from Negaunee, Michigan, United States wrote:
"Congrats Ladies!!!! Especially Frida. Great work and you're a real inspiration for all of us."
Monday, April 23 at 05:20 PM:
Bethany S. from East Lansing Michigan wrote:
"hi Mrs.Grummon! It is very cool(no pun intended-this was my mom's idea) that you have made it almost to the pole. CONGRATULATIONS!"
Monday, April 23 at 05:19 PM:
Bill from Hancock, MI wrote:
" Congratulations to all of you! Great job!! "
Monday, April 23 at 05:14 PM:
Jeannine from Maryland wrote:
"Congratulations! You're an inspiration...have a safe trip home and say hello to my husband for me (Kevin B.)!"
Monday, April 23 at 05:12 PM:
Anna from Skandia, MI, USA wrote:
Hello all of you! I just want to let you know what wonderful rolemodels you are, and how much I admire you. A special hello to Frida! Can't wait for you to come home!
Monday, April 23 at 05:08 PM:
bob from iron mountain mi usa wrote:
" congrats been watching you w/buck
you have more guts than i ever thought about.
Monday, April 23 at 05:03 PM:
Gail & Nigel from L'Anse, Michigan wrote:
" Almost there! Thinking of you, Freda, and your team. Keep warm and may God be with you to the top of the world! "
Monday, April 23 at 05:02 PM:
Jeff from Escanaba, MI wrote:
"CONGRATULATIONS LADIES!! Each of you are amazing, but I'm kinda personally partial to 'fantastic' Frida. Have a safe, and somehow warm, journey home!"
Monday, April 23 at 04:53 PM:
olivia j from marquette wrote:
"Nice Job "Skierwomen" !!!!!!!!
You Are An Inspiration to An 11 Year Old
'Skiergirl"! "
Monday, April 23 at 04:50 PM:
proud mom and dad from chelsea quebec wrote:
" HI Jen, We are so proud of you and your team. We will watch on the internet for your actual arrival. Hurray!! Hurray!! Mom can't contain herself! All the ladies deserve the highest admiration and respect for doing such a difficult trek. You are the toast-of-the-town because of the Citizen articles. "
Monday, April 23 at 04:45 PM:
Johanna from Flint, Michigan wrote:
" Hello All,
I cannot tell you how very proud we are of all of you! This is truly an admirable feat and you have served us all proudly. This has been no easy TREK - and we all are a bit better for having shared your innermost thoughts and efforts. Thank you for allowing us to share this. You have no idea how many students have sat down with you every day and written something into their journals. You have been their scientist - their eyes, ears, and heart. We thank you all and look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!
Onward and upward!
Johanna "
Monday, April 23 at 04:38 PM:
Barbara Haight Smith from Lake Blufff, IL wrote:
Monday, April 23 at 04:37 PM:
Donna from Columbus, Ohio USA wrote:
"Congratulations!!! What an exciting, exhilarating, educational and nerve-wracking adventure! You are all to be much admired. What great teamwork. Words are inadequate to express the appreciation for the goals you have accomplished. Good wishes for your futures.
Now what do you do for a follow-up?
Jane's chum, Donna"
Monday, April 23 at 04:29 PM:
ron from mqt mi wrote:
"yes! "
Monday, April 23 at 04:14 PM:
Kristie from Swartz Creek, MI wrote:
"Congratulations! My students and I have been watching your progress and wishing for your success. We are very excited that you have met your goal! "
Monday, April 23 at 04:08 PM:
Gretchen from Indiana wrote:
"Sue, and the gang, with you every step of the way, and elated for you. Plow on mighty spirits! "
Monday, April 23 at 04:04 PM:
Brian from Boyne City wrote:
" Tell Sue Martin We've been thinking
of her, and are really excited for all
of you. Been reading updates in the
Petoskey News everyday. 75' in Boyne
Brian Williams"
Monday, April 23 at 04:03 PM:
Judy from San Diego, CA USA wrote:
" Mark Carter and I are tracking your progress. We are very proud of all of you and your accomplishment. Judy Eddy "
Monday, April 23 at 04:01 PM:
Nancy from San Diego wrote:
"Kathy & team - What an accomplishment! You're on
the final leg - enjoy every moment! Thinking of you and
can't wait to hear all about it! Love you - Nanc "
Monday, April 23 at 03:58 PM:
Kate from Ann Arbor, MI wrote:
" Hi Aunt Sue (Carter) and crew! I want
to wish you the best on this last push!
I think that what you are doing is
important in this time when young women
are choosing math and science careers at
lower and lower rates. Your journey is
an inspiration to us all. Go for it!
Best wishes,
Kate "
Monday, April 23 at 03:44 PM:
Powersurge from Haslett, MI wrote:
"Lynn and company...you go girls. May Peace come upon each of your hearts as as you reach the pole. You are in in our thoughts and prayers. warmly, Patrice (for the group) "
Monday, April 23 at 03:44 PM:
Powersurge from Haslett, MI wrote:
"Lynn and company...you go girls. May Peace come upon each of your hearts as as you reach the pole. You are in in our thoughts and prayers. warmly, Patrice (for the group) "
Monday, April 23 at 03:44 PM:
Powersurge from Haslett, MI wrote:
"Lynn and company...you go girls. May Peace come upon each of your hearts as as you reach the pole. You are in in our thoughts and prayers. warmly, Patrice (for the group) "
Monday, April 23 at 03:41 PM:
Kevin from Detroit wrote:
"Way to go, Frida. I always knew you were on the top of the world. Now everybody knows. "
Monday, April 23 at 03:29 PM:
MaryZ from Detroit, MI -USA wrote:
"Frida, your soul sister is awestruck by you. Can't wait to see you.
I love the daily updates -- feels like I am there, but it's 80 degrees today here.
Warm thoughts are coming your way. My earings are skiing! "
Monday, April 23 at 03:20 PM:
Pam Colletta from Hillsdale, Michigan wrote:
" Congratulations to all of you!!! Frida, I hope you've felt all the warmth I've been sending your way. The patch is on the wall over my computer and you have been in my thoughts constantly. Looking forward to talking to you soon. Keep on skiing! "
Monday, April 23 at 03:15 PM:
Darin from Woodworth, IL wrote:
" Hi Aunt Diana and the Polar Trek team! God bless you on your reach to the pole. My class and I are praying for your safe arrival!! Love, Darin "
Monday, April 23 at 03:15 PM:
Wendy from Fort Wayne, IN wrote:
"Kerri & the rest of the team - you ROCK! I can't imagine taking on this kind of project -- I feel cool just knowing someone who did! And kudos to your webmaster -- the updates have been great! Come home safely! :)"
Monday, April 23 at 03:08 PM:
Melissa & Richard from Coconut Grove, FL wrote:
"sue carter and all the ladies, we are so very proud of you, good luck on the final push "
Monday, April 23 at 03:07 PM:
Andrew from B.C., MI wrote:
You experienced what you feared, hypothermia, and made it conquered it with the help of the others. Way to go Susan, way to go Team! I can't wait to see you again next week, but the webcast will have to sufice. Hope you have felt some of the warmth I have been sending you from my heart. "
Monday, April 23 at 03:00 PM:
Brittany from Midland, Michigan wrote:
" I wish all of you good luck on your treck to the north- such a great opportunity- may your journey be a safe one!!!
God be with you all:)"
Monday, April 23 at 02:59 PM:
JANE from KALAMAZOO wrote:
What a great team you gals are. That final push was awe inspiring. Sue, I have heard from many people who were in
Chateauroux, France. (58-65). They all wish you and the team bon chance! I knew that any little eight year old who could find her house under the water towers, could find the North Pole!
Love you, Mom
Monday, April 23 at 02:56 PM:
Carol (AKA Zelda) Swinehart from East Lansing, MI wrote:
"Don't know what happened to the first message I posted a couple weeks ago (it even included some of my worst verse, but I have been sending a steady stream in my thoughts. It's late Monday afternoon here in Michigan, and I have tears in my eyes as I read your updates. I have tears in my eyes when I read your updates, and I am SO PROUD OF YOU ALL! God bless you and your support crew as you MAKE IT! Frida, can hardly wait to hear the stories at BOW in June, though sooner would be better :) Phyllis, I move that you bring the team to Walnut Heights' picnic this fall :) Sue, you have really started something; where to next?! Lynn, I can only imagine how proud your students are. Cheers to the end :) "
Monday, April 23 at 02:45 PM:
Tom from Lansing, Michigan wrote:
"Hi to all!
Congratulations on a phenomenal accomplishment! You're true Pioneers of the 21st Century! Thanks for setting an example for all of man-and woman-kind to follow!
Will be watching for you on the Web!
Your friends at Sparrow Hospital! "
Monday, April 23 at 02:39 PM:
Major Montgomery from Ramstein Air Base, Germany wrote:
"Congratulations to you all! Simple expeditions are challenging. This complex expedition is mind boggling and an education to all who are watching. Many people here at the base and I am sure thousands more around the world are saying thanks for sharing your drive and dedication and passion with us.
And Diana... hurry home, the lasagna is getting cold and we have your favorite wine!"
Monday, April 23 at 02:38 PM:
Monday, April 23 at 02:36 PM:
Karen from San Diego wrote:
"KB: Good luck, be safe & tell us all about it when you get back! We can't wait! Nanc says don't talk to any strangers while you're there! :)"
Monday, April 23 at 02:17 PM:
Diane from Lawton, OK wrote:
"I am excited for all of you guys. GOD BlESS YOU ALL. TRY AND MAKE HISTORY!!!!"
Monday, April 23 at 02:16 PM:
brittney moody from boyne city wrote:
" i think this is the coolest what you're doing! and i know you can go all the way!!!! hi ms.martin!!!!!! i miss you!!!!!!!!!!!! "
Monday, April 23 at 02:04 PM:
Christine Adomitis from Jackson, MI wrote:
" Susan Martin: Congratulations!! We (all of the Martins) are so very thankful that you are okay. Keeping Grandma Irene posted--Best wishes to you and all your teammates. When you have had time to recuperate I'd love to hear about your trip. Take care all of you--have a safe journey back to Michigan. "
Monday, April 23 at 02:00 PM:
Sharmon from Charlevoix wrote:
"Dear Kerri and team members,
Lots of people from NCMC have been following your progress.
We're so happy you're very close to your goal, and hope this last little bit is both exciting and safe.
Looking forward to seeing you safe and sound again.
I'm sure you'll find a hot jacuzzi someplace soon!
Take care. Congratulations! See you soon.
Sharmon "
Monday, April 23 at 01:59 PM:
amy from San Diego wrote:
"KB - you go girl!! We're all proud of you. Can't wait to hear all about it. "
Monday, April 23 at 01:34 PM:
Fred from St. Clair Shores, MI wrote:
"Good Luck. I'll be thinking of your expedition, and wish you the best. Stay dry. Fred Rubarth (frubarth@yahoo.com) "
Monday, April 23 at 12:50 PM:
Nancie & Bob from Traverse City wrote:
" Susan, glad to hear you're good and warm! Please stay that way. Thanks for sharing your trek with everyone back home ladies, what an adventure, we admire every one of you."
Monday, April 23 at 12:14 PM:
Joy from Marquette - Queen City wrote:
"Frida, Thinking of you and the rest of the crew. You are numero uno in my book. Can't wait to here the stories!! Stay safe. Joy B.H. "
Monday, April 23 at 11:10 AM:
michael manning from escanaba, mi wrote:
" congratulations to you all. i'm proud of you susan and frida. a hardy "atta boy" from all of us in the u.p. "
Monday, April 23 at 10:17 AM:
Tammy from Boyne City wrote:
" Susan, You're almost there! We are so proud of you and your team! keep your spirits up and stay as warm as possible. Miss you here at B.C.M.S."
Monday, April 23 at 07:26 AM:
Becky from Used to live in Wixom, Michigan, now Jackson MI wrote:
"I used to go to Walled Lake Western High School. I have a good memory for faces and names, and even though I didn't know Frieda personally, I remembered her name when I read it in the newspaper. I am so excited to have gone to the same high school she went to and it's fascinating to me what she does for a living, etc., this whole trip she is on, even though I personally am not made out of the same stamina!!! I'll pray for your safety!!"
Monday, April 23 at 07:00 AM:
Denny from Hinsdale, IL wrote:
" You guys ROCK! Keep it up! Cant wait to hear the stories. Love, Denny
Monday, April 23 at 06:13 AM:
Meng from Lansing,MI U.S.A. wrote:
" Monday, April 23,2001
have you seen any animals. How many. "
Monday, April 23 at 05:53 AM:
Kate from Haslett,Mi (USA) wrote:
Monday, April 23 at 05:45 AM:
Mary from Marquette, MI wrote:
" Exciting! 8 miles to go! Keep up your strength, your spirits and your SISU! Am pulling for you all the way!!! "
Monday, April 23 at 02:28 AM:
Francine from Marquette, MI wrote:
" Wow!!! Eight miles away!!! Outstanding! Hope to watch the webcast of your lifetime achievement!!! Frida, Ron is hanging in there. Thinking of you and praying for all of you always. Can't wait to see you back home!!! XOXOX LFF to the North Pole!!! Love, Frani "
Sunday, April 22 at 08:25 PM:
Claude from Laprairie wrote:
"Salut! Nous sommes tous avec toi et très fière de notre amie. Espérons te voir bientôt, bien au chaud. Nous t'aimons et continuons de penser à toi. Vivement le "cake". Gros becs. "
Sunday, April 22 at 07:54 PM:
Sue from Kenosha, WI wrote:
" Diana, Wow way to go, keep it up! Whatever happen to you traveling in warm climates! While you're in freezing weather, I'm having #2 very soon. Get ahold of Brooke and me when you finally warm up. Take Care all of you! "
Sunday, April 22 at 02:49 PM:
Sally from East Lansing, Michigan wrote:
" Lynn, your LATTICE (international and national) friends are following you and cheering for you. We're looking forward to seeing you in May and want you to know what an inspiration you and your group are to all of us. Wow! "
Sunday, April 22 at 01:28 PM:
deb from boyne city wrote:
"Sue, keep treking away! by the time you get this message you will be close to your destination.
I just got back from watching Katie, lyndsay, riley playing their 3on3. they didn't win alot of their games but katie did do a good job, as did all of them.
we are all so proud of you!!
Sunday, April 22 at 12:03 PM:
Tom and Rose Ann from Chelsea Quebec Canada wrote:
"Salut Marie-Josee
Felicitations!! C'est tout un defi que vous etes en train de faire. Je ne peux pas trouver des accentes sur cette maudite machine donc tu dois imaginer qu'ils sont la!!Je ne sais pas si tu te rappelle mais on s'est rencontre il y a deux ans a Cape Cod et on a fait le jogging et le velo ensemble. J'imagine qu'il fait beaucoup plus froid ou tu est maintenant. Rose Ann et moi pensons de toi et te souhaite bonne chance.
SVP dis bonjour a Jenny pour nous. "
Sunday, April 22 at 11:17 AM:
vibha from east lansing, mi wrote:
" Lynn, soak it all!!! you know we will be harassing you for details for months to come.
missed you at LATTICE. "
Sunday, April 22 at 10:15 AM:
JANE from KALAMAZOO wrote:
Got up early this morning and found good news on the web. All day long, I keep whispering, "Thank You God." = What happened to the vodka? Is somebody carrying it!? Know you gals didn't drink it! I'll be glad when you reach the Pole
Sue, Senator Stabenow will give you a hug from me and you all hug Igor and Anatoly. We're proud of you. Love, Mom"
Sunday, April 22 at 10:10 AM:
Ann from Pulaski, Virginia wrote:
"Way to go! I have been reading your updates and light a candle everyday for your journey. You are an inspiration to us; the women of Appalachia.
Many Blessings"
Sunday, April 22 at 09:14 AM:
Anna, Christine and Kassy from East Lansing Michigan wrote:
"We are very excited at the women's progress. We hope that everyone is doing well and they continue making progress towards the true north. We wish everyone good luck! "
Sunday, April 22 at 09:14 AM:
Bard from Toledo wrote:
"The Tigers lost a close one last night when Indian's slugger Jim Thome hit one out of the park in the 11th. You have taught us many things with this trip! My mother Helen Bard Lewis Nagel when presented with a "puzzle" or "challenge" would never give up! You seem to have her spirit. Keep going and be safe! Your mother's cousin Bard. "
Sunday, April 22 at 04:46 AM:
Faye from Ishpeming, MI USA wrote:
"Another day closer ladies and all is looking good very proud of all of you. Hello to Frida from Marquette County. All you ladies have SISU "
Saturday, April 21 at 07:13 PM:
Jim from Marquette wrote:
" Frida, Just remember you have SISU!"
Saturday, April 21 at 06:56 PM:
Barb from Marquette, Mi wrote:
"Frida and friends! Hang in there we're all thinking about you.XXXXOOO Mike, claire, eileen and barb "
Saturday, April 21 at 06:55 PM:
Linda from Wakefield wrote:
" Just want to say Hello for spring like Wakefield, and to let you know that we are all thinking of you and send you all our best wishes and are very proud of your preseverance--Keep on trekking...L.O.L."
Saturday, April 21 at 01:25 PM:
Sydney from Boyne City wrote:
"Ms. Martin- Everyone back here is rooting for you and the team. Hang in there! "
Saturday, April 21 at 11:56 AM:
Sally from Massillon, Ohio wrote:
"Lynn, My sister, Sue Krino, suggested that I check
this site. I am a middle school teacher, also.
Just wanting to wish all of you a safe excursion
as you live your dreams.
Enjoy every day. Sally "
Saturday, April 21 at 08:29 AM:
Veronica from Haslett High School wrote:
"I cannot even tell you how exciting this is to follow....WAAAAAY better than Survivor or any of those silly television shows! I am glad to hear that you are all safe. I cannot even imagine the frustration you must be feeling by skiing sideways..... keep up the great work! You will get there! "
Saturday, April 21 at 06:04 AM:
Melanie from Boyne City wrote:
"Hey Ms. Martin! Hope you are still being as strong as ever. Just remember you have people supporting you back home. Ms. Bricker is doing fine as our teacher. Best wishes to you. Luv, Melanie
Saturday, April 21 at 05:02 AM:
Faye from Ishpeming, MI USA wrote:
"Glad to hear you ladies are still doing fine and only 4 more days to good. Good Luck you will make it. Hello Frida raining here today. "
Saturday, April 21 at 01:59 AM:
Carlos from Mexico City wrote:
"My name is Carlos Cano and I live in Mexico City.
I know this address is supposed to be used for sponsorship opportunities, but your
courageous voyage provoked a thought: your efforts will also help raise awareness
to the global warming tragedy occurring under our noses, and growing at an alarming
All this made even more heroic by the incident which took place today. I pray for
yours, and the team's good fortune and strength.
My wife will love your challenge. We'll stay tuned to know of your inevitable success.
Carlos and Adriana Cano
Mexico City
Friday, April 20 at 07:10 PM:
Bernadette from Marquette, MI. USA wrote:
"Hey Frida, and All of you courageous women. Thank you for the inspiration you give to us all. Take care Susan I hope you are felling better today. Stay warm!!! k. You Go Girls!
Friday, April 20 at 06:10 PM:
Jan from Petoskey, MI wrote:
" Go Northern Michiganders! We're all watching your progress here at the WRC! Hey, Sue Carter -- you go girl! Best of luck to all of you 12 trekkers!"
Friday, April 20 at 05:18 PM:
Ann from Skandia wrote:
" Frida and Team...when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Be safe, be smart, and appreciate your inner true spirit that lured you to this moment. You are awesome and as strong as any women on the planet! Love...aw "
Friday, April 20 at 05:12 PM:
Jill from Sands Plains, MI wrote:
"Frida ~ I think of all of you several times a day. Stay warm and dry. THINK SAUNA! Can't wait to hear your "polar moments"! "
Friday, April 20 at 04:20 PM:
Pete, Dallas, Lyn and Jake from Troy, MI USA wrote:
"Lynn and Team - Hope your spirits are high and you are all staying warm. We are all with you. You Go Girls. "
Friday, April 20 at 12:57 PM:
Dennis from Illinois wrote:
"Glad to here everyone is doing good. I hope your last four day's are progressive and you get to do some straight forward trekking. Looking forward to hearing from you Diana. Please take a shower first, HA. "
Friday, April 20 at 12:55 PM:
Dawn from Friday Harbor,WA wrote:
" Frida,
My smiles are sent to all of you! This is so exciting! My prayers are sent every moment! "
Friday, April 20 at 12:07 PM:
Becca from Ottawa, Ontario CANADA wrote:
"Congragulations! What you are doing is very commendable, I am sure that you are very proud and you should be. Have a wonderful time, it will be hard... but worth it. The inspiration that you are providing to girls all around the world is wonderful!
Friday, April 20 at 10:26 AM:
Richard and Sheryl from Bridgewater, New Jersey wrote:
"Mazel tov to Lynn and all the other goddesses. God has been watching over you, and She is very pleased. Next year in Maui...Love,"
Friday, April 20 at 09:33 AM:
Dave from Germany wrote:
"Hi Diana! You go girl. You bi-polar trekker! A hot shower and massage awaits your return! And apple pie and chocolate cake and tiramisu! Missing you and so proud of you."
Friday, April 20 at 09:24 AM:
Connie from Haslett, MI, USA wrote:
" Lynn and Sue - We at Meridian High School are so excited to be following your terrific progress. You are brave women, and your updates have been fascinating. Best wishes to both of you and to the rest of the crew, and we're happy about the lack of polar bears.
Friday, April 20 at 08:29 AM:
Frank from Philly area Adams friend! wrote:
" for kerri-dont eat yellow snow !"
Friday, April 20 at 07:32 AM:
Kasara, Shanna, Mike, Ken from Boyne City wrote:
" Hi, Mrs. Martin The School misses you and so does Iggy. He is getting bigger. We have been following you on your trek. It sounds scary. Were you scared? We got to hear you on the intercom. We was excited."
Friday, April 20 at 06:48 AM:
News Update from Michigan wrote:
"Detroit Red Wings are making a great start in the playoffs. Tigers lost several straight games (what's new?) Gov. Engler is stepping down as his last term ends, & Mayor Archer announced he won't be running again. Weather here today is rainy with slight winds and an expected high in the mid 60's. The Fed's have cut interest rates yet again- Dow & NASDAQ are reacting positively with historic gains, but by no means are we out of the woods yet. Hope this tid-bit from home helps... not long now! "
Friday, April 20 at 06:14 AM:
Faye from Ishpeming, Michigan USA wrote:
" Hello Frida and ladies hope all is going well hang in there and Frida nice weather in the UP. Take care all praying for all of you to be safe and return home safe and sound. "
Friday, April 20 at 06:14 AM:
Jennifer from Walled Lake, Michigan wrote:
"So who's gonna get voted off first? ha-ha. All of you should receive the grand prize! "
Friday, April 20 at 06:08 AM:
Adam from Walled Lake, Michigan, U.S.A wrote:
"Good luck & god speed to all of you. Kerri, there will be a nice WARM glass of wine waiting for you when you return. All of you return safely"
Friday, April 20 at 04:55 AM:
Sheila from Charlotte, NC USA wrote:
"A friend of mine in the San juan islands told me about your trek. I have been following you on the internet. I just wanted to tell you I think you all are awesome women!! Keep your eye on the goal and keep on "trekking"!!
God Bless You All !!"
Thursday, April 19 at 07:04 PM:
Ken from East Lansing wrote:
"Hi Lynn:
Watching your progress and this terrific accomplishment. Missed you today at LATTICE. Good luck to you all. Warm Hugs"
Thursday, April 19 at 05:23 PM:
jerry from watseka, il wrote:
" Diana,
Glad to see that you are off to a good start. How do you encounter flowing water when the high temperature is minus 25 C ?
Your sister Debbie gave me an official "Womenquest Polar Trek 2001" patch. I will display it with pride.
Thursday, April 19 at 04:17 PM:
Jean from Haslett wrote:
" Lynn, missed you at LATTICE today. Be safe, and God bless you. "
Thursday, April 19 at 03:58 PM:
Cristin and Shannon from Belchertown, MA, USA wrote:
"Aunt Lynn, you crazy wild woman, you RULE THE WORLD!! I am so proud to share genes with you. All you amazons making history with each step is enough to make a grown woman cry. We're all sending strength and focus your way. And to think, you'll never take oatmeal for granted again. We think of you every day. Lots of love!"
Thursday, April 19 at 02:40 PM:
"Hi Lynn & Polar Trek team,
We're "pulling" for you, at least spiritually, though long about now an extra hand on the sled might be welcomed. I'm sure you have discovered the more you eat the lighter the load gets. Since this is undoubtedly the psycological time in the trip where each of you will ask WHY? and HOW?, remember to enjoy the small things and each other. You're all doing such a terrific job. Can't wait to hear some stories and maybe see a few pictures.
See you real soon. "
Thursday, April 19 at 02:40 PM:
Kassy the 5th triplet (Drew's the 4th) from East Lansing MI wrote:
"Hey Mrs. Grummon! Hope you're having a great time. We all miss you here in E.L.
Kassy :)
PS: Anna loves you, misses you, and is having great fun on your palm pilot. "
Thursday, April 19 at 01:47 PM:
Rick from Petoskey wrote:
"Kerri, Hope you are getting along ok. Try to follow your progress everyday.
Hope it is not to difficult crossing the open water.
The satillite maps we see show a lot of cracks in the ice.
Good luck and check those compasses often.
Thursday, April 19 at 12:16 PM:
wayne from surrey b.c. canda. wrote:
" nice web page and good luck "
Thursday, April 19 at 12:11 PM:
wayne from surrey bc canada wrote:
" very nice web page good luck to all wayne "
Thursday, April 19 at 12:00 PM:
John from Northville, MI wrote:
"Hi Frida,
Been checking on you every day. Also checking on Ron-so far he is behaving himself. Wish I could make the banquet tomorrow night. Tell Sue Carter that Jackie said Sue was her favorite prof in J school. Stay dry!
Thursday, April 19 at 10:13 AM:
Stephanie from Fairbanks AK wrote:
" NPR reported last year that the N. Pole was a little wetter than expected....as reported by a Russian 'tourist' vessel that found 6 miles of open water at the N. Pole. Pack scuba gear. It has been a very very warm winter...the ice may not be all that thick. Best of luck!!!"
Thursday, April 19 at 06:23 AM:
Cathy from Charlotte NC wrote:
"For Frida, My friend Dawn Liljeberg forwarded your website. She is cheering you on. So am I.
Good luck! "
Thursday, April 19 at 04:06 AM:
Faye from Ishpeming,MI United States wrote:
"Great going ladies and Frida we had a beautiful day in Marquette County Wednesday no snow. "
Thursday, April 19 at 04:03 AM:
Donna from Columbus, Ohio, USA wrote:
"What a wonderful, adventuresome group of women. So proud of each of you. Be careful, stay warm, and return home safely. My prayers are with you.
I'm an old school chum of Sue Carter's mother, Jane."
Wednesday, April 18 at 07:24 PM:
Bob from Port Huron, MI, USA wrote:
"For Sue Carter: I know your sister, Carol. You are well respected. The best to you and all your compatriots. "
Wednesday, April 18 at 06:24 PM:
Lois and Harry from Har vey, Michigan wrote:
" Best wishes Frida, take care of that wind burn on your face. "
Wednesday, April 18 at 06:20 PM:
Pat from Boyne City, MI wrote:
" Hi Susan Martin, it was so great to hear your voice yesterday! Talked with Katie she's doing fine. Very excited! I can't wait to see you and hear all about your experience! "
Wednesday, April 18 at 06:19 PM:
Dad and Mom from Chelsea Quebec wrote:
"Hi Jenny ( and everyone). We are so glad to hear that the helicopters dropped you safely and that you are on your way. Alison's accounts in the Citizen make great reading. May the sun shine and the wind rest. "
Wednesday, April 18 at 04:23 PM:
Stan and Gail from Haslett, MI wrote:
" Lynn, Way to go!!! This adventure has really been fun to follow. Stay safe and warm. Our thoughts are with you all.
Take care ladies... "
Wednesday, April 18 at 04:03 PM:
Peggy from Orlando, FL USA wrote:
I think this is an absolutely wonderful opportunity for you; not only for womankind but for the research involved.
I know all of you will get to the North Pole and overcome any obstacles in your way!
I'm very excited about your trek and think all of you are very intelligent and strong women for doing this!
The best of luck,
Wednesday, April 18 at 02:38 PM:
Lisa, Dan and Danielle from Marquette wrote:
"Way to go Women!! We are tracking your progress and are sharing it with the local UPers. Keep up the good work.
My students are following your adventures.
See you when you get home!
Wednesday, April 18 at 01:51 PM:
Wednesday, April 18 at 12:56 PM:
Vreni and Sandy from Modesto, CA wrote:
" Hi, Lynn! We, friends of sister Pat, are your booster club here in central CA. Although one of us is from Switzerland(the other from Hawaii)we do not want to trade our 70* temp today with yours. Way to go, Ladies!! "
Wednesday, April 18 at 11:27 AM:
Brian from Farmington Hills, MI wrote:
"Hey Kerri, My mom told me that you were making the trip to the north pole and to check out this site. That's incredible. It's only about 110 degrees here in Kuwait right now. Hopefully you guys aren't too cold up there. Don't feed the polar bears, be safe, and get home in one piece. Best of luck to you and the rest of the team. "
Wednesday, April 18 at 10:33 AM:
Mary-Anne S. from Boyne City wrote:
" Hey Susan Martin...Just to let you know that we think of you daily and keep you in our prayers. The track meet yesterday was canceled . I guess Kalkaska's track was not ready.Next meet is the 24th. As usual I will cheer loudly.Can't wait to see you!!! You are an inspiration to us all."
Wednesday, April 18 at 10:31 AM:
Jane from Kalamazoo. MI wrote:
"You gals are great! Why the way you handled the wrong way bit. You all demonstrated the spirit of being a team.
It's been your finest lesson to date. You are excellent role models for us all, regardless of age. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers daily. Six days to go. This venture has asked more of you than the rest of us can envision. Love to all. Mom (Sue's)
Wednesday, April 18 at 10:21 AM:
Natasha & Jerry from White Plains, NY wrote:
"Hi Sue C. and Company
From everyone here in the UNworld to y'all at the top of the world,
best wishes for a safe and successful trip to Poletown and back.
Wednesday, April 18 at 08:52 AM:
Jane from Ishpeming, Michigan wrote:
"April 18,01 at noon, praying for Fredia and all the rest of you that you all get home safe. God Bless "
Wednesday, April 18 at 08:17 AM:
Dawn, Jas, and Josh from Boyne City wrote:
" Sue M. This is so cool, in more ways than one. We think about you and your fellow travelers eveyday. Josh says hi and that he really knows someone famous now. Look out TV here you come, huh? This trek is starting to give a new meaning to "a tough old bird". Listening to your phone call yesterday was great. Glad to hear you still have that sense of humor that your students are always talking about. Take care "
Wednesday, April 18 at 06:42 AM:
Sam from Detroit - Wayne State University wrote:
"Hello Sue!
I'm glad you were not "Wrong Way Corrigan" for long. It is just too cold to be traveling in the wrong direction. I'm cheering you all on. We'll miss you Saturday at the Hall of Fame but will keep up with you on the web. I know you can do it and just think, I knew you before you were internationally famous. "
Wednesday, April 18 at 06:08 AM:
Rachel from Farmington Hills, MI United States wrote:
"Hi Kerri-I don't know if you'll get this while you're still out there or what, but I'm thinking of you often and telling everyone with pride about how amazing you all are. The only question I have is what are you doing to stay grounded out there? It sounds harrowing and mentally challenging, so I'm wondering what, if anything, you are doing to stay on top of the game. Which reminds me, I sure miss taunting you on the basketball court!
May everyone return safely to us with all of your fingers and toes-
Much love-
Rachel "
Wednesday, April 18 at 05:47 AM:
Nicole W. from Marquette wrote:
"Following your every move.... You go, group! Frida, you got me interested in doing B.O.W. now! :) Take good care, and enjoy the oatmeal. "
Wednesday, April 18 at 05:01 AM:
Faye from Ishpeming, Michigan United States wrote:
" Good Luck to all of you and Fredia we are pulling for you as well as all the others. "
Wednesday, April 18 at 04:08 AM:
Mindy from Burlington, Ontario Canada wrote:
" Hey Frida
It's Mindy from high school! Saw your article in the paper....good luck on your trek....truly amazing!! "
Tuesday, April 17 at 07:13 PM:
Mallory from Columbiaville wrote:
" Hello. I am a LakeVille Middle School student. I have particapated in activities at the Long Way Planetarium and was part of the teleconferace with Sue Carter. I was wondering if the conditions you have been expeirincing are as you planned. I was also wondering if your proggress is as fast as you expected."
Tuesday, April 17 at 06:02 PM:
Fishes from Boyne City wrote:
" Sue M., We all are pulling for you and your team. Go for it!!!!! "
Tuesday, April 17 at 05:46 PM:
Pryce Hadley from Frida's hometown, Marquette wrote:
"Hi Frida, I am watching your progress! Keep up the great work. Don't forget to bring back a polar bear.
Ski ya', Pryce"
Tuesday, April 17 at 01:47 PM:
Jean Mullan from Chelsea, Quebec wrote:
"Dear Allison,
I hope that you don't get too discouraged and can manage to keep up your great spirit and determination. Dig deep girl! You're a tough lot of women to brave such an adventure. I send you lots of positive energy. Just think of all the warm hugs waiting for you when you get back."
Tuesday, April 17 at 01:02 PM:
Tammy from Boyne City, MI wrote:
" Dear Susan Martin: Don't worry about Katie's prom dress Nissa and I will take her shopping this weekend. Hope all is well, we enjoyed hearing from you today. Love ya!
Tuesday, April 17 at 12:22 PM:
Marianka from Aylmer/Quebec wrote:
"hello josee!!!!!!!
I've been reading all about you in the papers!
I hope that you can come to my school and talk
to my class about your great trip!How do you know
ones you are in the North Pole?Do you use a copus?
Or do you use a G.P.S?Where do you sleep?Do you take
showers?Did you see any bears?What do you eat?If you do come to my school
those are the type of questions you will be receiving.
I can't wait to see you!I told everyone
at my school what kind of great,funny,loving and
caring women you are!I've also been telling my friends
that you are hoping to tell girls all around to not be afraid
of doing new things and also be yourself!You are my "model-adult"!
I always take examples from you and of the things you!Don't stop what you are doing!
Don't louse faith (even if i would,hehe)!
your friend that thinks about you every day
Tuesday, April 17 at 11:26 AM:
Dick and Shirley Bradley from Lansing, Michigan wrote:
" Way to go Frida! We're watching your progress. Best of luck to all. Watch out for the bears! See you in June.
Dick and Shirley Bradley "
Tuesday, April 17 at 10:44 AM:
Sue from Ishpeming wrote:
"Frida: Prayers daily. Following your trip through this site. Holding you up in spirit in strength. Best Wishes."
Tuesday, April 17 at 10:09 AM:
Ellen from Haslett wrote:
" Hi, Lynn,
We're very proud of you. Wishing you and the other ladies a healthy and wonderful journey. Sending you warm thoughts!
Love, Ellen
Tuesday, April 17 at 09:37 AM:
JoAnn from Kirbyville, Texas USA wrote:
" Diana so proud of you. Our best to you and the other 13 women. So Proud but worring. "
Tuesday, April 17 at 08:49 AM:
Barry from Redding, California wrote:
" Lynn Bartley,
I'm so proud of you I can't stand it. I hope all is well. I haven't had time to keep track on your teams progress. But I know you'll do well.
Your brother Barry "
Tuesday, April 17 at 08:11 AM:
7th grade science class from Springport, MI wrote:
" Hi, we are Springport's 7th grade science class.
We live near Lansing, MI, and we realized that two
of the woman are from Michigan State. From all of
us at Springport we wish you all good luck. We
will be keeping in touch.
P.S Hope to hear from you if posible. "
Tuesday, April 17 at 07:31 AM:
Mary from Marquette, Michigan wrote:
"Frida, We're back in school after Spring Break. Will be following your travels daily. Know that you're having the experience of a lifetime!
Weather update - snow still on the ski hill but gone in town.
Be safe, stay warm, enjoy!!!
Tuesday, April 17 at 05:28 AM:
Everett from Philadelphia, MS wrote:
" Frida, you don't know me personally but I know your Mom has told you about all of her high school classmates. We are all interested in your venture. Hope everything goes as planned and that you and the others complete your mission and all arrive back home safely and in good health."
Tuesday, April 17 at 04:22 AM:
grandma and grandpa from Beaverton, Ontario, Canada wrote:
"Dear Jen,
We are so proud of you. Good luck and
safe passage to the Pole.
Monday, April 16 at 11:57 PM:
Oliver from Solingen wrote:
"Seems that you are out now. This is normally very different than to be in the Basecamp. It might take eternities to pitch up the tents and prepare your "home" for the "night" in these conditions, you maybe don't
know where you put your things, and you will certainly feel the cold. But all this will improve in a few days. Eat well and
your bodies will become turbo-heaters soon. This is a promise. And Diana remember: Don't feed the polar bears!!! "
Monday, April 16 at 07:19 PM:
LuAnn from Haslett High School wrote:
"Lynn - sent some of your weather our way - hey?? Yes, we played baseball, softball and soccer today in 25 degree windchills with blizzard conditions - almost total whiteouts! Only last a few minutes, no accummulations. Supposed to be cold - brrrrr - all week. I know, you could only wish for weather this warm! Hopefully your clothing/shelters are doing their jobs and the trap doors are working. It is because of your warm hearts - they will keep the fires inside burning - that your group will triumph! What great motivation for us all - You are simply amazing!!!"
Monday, April 16 at 07:10 PM:
Carlos & Daniel from Arlington, Tx. wrote:
"Aunt Lynn, We hope you are not too cold at where ever you are right now. Do you really get to call schools while you are out there? Have you seen any animals ,maybe a polar bear? We love you.
Carlos & Daniel "
Monday, April 16 at 06:44 PM:
Johanna from Flint wrote:
" Hello Sue and the Wonderful Crew!
We are all watching from our comfortable computer screens and absolutely marveling at what you are accomplishing. Frankly, what you have done so far is awesome, and what you will accomplish will be just that inspiration we all need to try just a little harder! We are all pulling for you and you are really, REALLY in our thoughts!
Looking forward to Saturday!
- Johanna "
Monday, April 16 at 06:26 PM:
Scott Berg from Dewitt, Michigan (formerly from Ishpeming) wrote:
"Frida.... SISU!!! Brenda, Lindsey and I are pulling for you and your team. Your're all in our prayers. Be safe! You are making us all proud. Can't wait to see the out-takes from this adventure!!! -Scott "
Monday, April 16 at 05:24 PM:
Ann from Skandia wrote:
" Frida...going to get you into that map and compass class at B.O.W. in June after your first couple of marches on the big ice!! Be so very safe out there, all! Can you hear us??? We are all cheering very loudly!!! Go forth and be strong, all of you great women!!! Love from the U.P. aw "
Monday, April 16 at 05:10 PM:
Monday, April 16 at 03:05 PM:
howard from DC wrote:
Awesome quest! Glad to read that you are supplying your peers with the essentials for the trip -- superior planning to remember jelly beans. What about the real gourmet essential though -- chocolate?? Bet you know who this admirer is by that last statement! Best to all of you!"
Monday, April 16 at 11:55 AM:
Chris & Julie from Landstuhl, Germany wrote:
" Diana and the Women of the Polar Trip,
We are eagerly following your progress on the internet. Keep skiing-we know you'll make it. Daina-We hope you can visit our class again when you get back. Best Wishes to all of you. Chris and Julie C.
P.S. Have you seen any Polar Bears? "
Monday, April 16 at 09:05 AM:
deb,jay , melanie, nicole from boyne city, mi wrote:
" Sue, everyday I look at the web sight to see how you are and think about your journey. Remember, even though your are far in miles you are close in heart.
keep looking up any time you feel down.
our prayers are with you!!"
Monday, April 16 at 07:56 AM:
Peggy from Boyne City Middle School wrote:
" Susan M.-Alison Korn's articles have been great. It's almost like being there with all of you! Tell her thanks. Expecting your call tomorrow. Katie's going to the prom??? Love, Peggy B "
Monday, April 16 at 07:39 AM:
Chris from Michigan State University wrote:
"Hi Phyllis,
Greetings from MSU. The weather is typical gray and chilly. Snow showers are predicted for this week. I think of you and your team mates every day. It's great to read the daily postings from so far away. Stay warm as best you can. Best wishes to you and your teammates."
Monday, April 16 at 07:11 AM:
peg from boyne city wrote:
" Web Master,
Great job keeping us updated. Could you please post the dates and times of the radio calls. Most radio stations are on line and people could log on and hear the conversation first hand. Thanks. "
Monday, April 16 at 07:05 AM:
pat from boyne city wrote:
" Susan Martin, I miss you! Peggy and I can't wait till you get back! I think about you all the time, I'm so proud of you. Be careful and try to stay warm! "
Monday, April 16 at 07:02 AM:
2nd. hour social studies from boyne city wrote:
" Mrs.Martin, did you find the equipment that was missing? Can't wait to hear from you tomorrow in class.We miss you! "
Monday, April 16 at 06:58 AM:
Peg from Boyne City, MI wrote:
I miss you. I'm so very proud of you. I read between the lines. Sorry to hear about the adjustment that may need to be made in distance. You are the greatest. Peg W."
Monday, April 16 at 06:55 AM:
peg from boyne city wrote:
" Web Master,
Great job keeping us updated. Could you please post the dates and times of the radio calls. Most radio stations are on line and people could log on and hear the conversation first hand. Thanks. "
Monday, April 16 at 06:11 AM:
Hiab from Haslett wrote:
" "
Monday, April 16 at 06:10 AM:
Hiab from Haslett wrote:
"Dear Lynn Bartley,
Monday, April 16 at 06:02 AM:
Nic from Haslett wrote:
"Hi I'm in Mrs.Schuitemans class as well.
I just wanted to wish you the best of
luck to all you girls. I hope all of you
girls get back safely from your trip. Mail
me back at my e-mail. My e-mail is
Monday, April 16 at 06:02 AM:
A person who is inreasted from Haslety, MI (USA) wrote:
""Good Luck to all of you and be sure to have fun." "
Monday, April 16 at 06:01 AM:
RONALD from Michigan wrote:
" Hi."
Monday, April 16 at 06:01 AM:
Dan from Haslett,MI wrote:
"Hi. I am in Mrs.Schuitemen class. We heard Lynn was from Haslett. Mrs.Schuitemen is back.We are having fun here. "
Monday, April 16 at 05:58 AM:
Jay from MI,Haslett wrote:
" Hope you have fun and try and visit our classroom at Murphy Elementary. Mrs.Schuitemen is back! "
Monday, April 16 at 05:55 AM:
Kayla from Haslett, Mi wrote:
" Dear Mrs.,
I am a 5th grade student at Murphy Elementary. I have Mrs. Schuiteman for my teacher. She is back in scool and doing great. I hope you can come and visit us and tell us about your adventure. have fun
Sunday, April 15 at 05:17 PM:
Helen from Snohomish, Washington State wrote:
" Wish you all the best and of course above all a safe journey! "
Sunday, April 15 at 05:14 PM:
Helen from Snohomish wrote:
" God Speed, take care and enjoy!!! "
Sunday, April 15 at 03:59 PM:
diane from lansing, MI, USA wrote:
" Lynn, you and I went through several teacher-type trainings at the ISD....Sue, I'm the one with Andy.....To you and all of the crew, best of luck. and remind the women that the most important thing is to look good. I hope you're all wearing pearls in case chinese satelittes are watching. "
Sunday, April 15 at 11:02 AM:
Frani & Susie from Marquette, MI USA wrote:
" Mita teille kuuluu?
Frida... leave it to the Yooper in the bunch to be running around in her sports bra! THAT doesn't surprise US at all!! Must be that you're used to the CCOOLLDDEERR weather... Best of luck to you and your group of adventurers; how we admire your courageousness during this quest. We check on you daily... and (Frani here) I miss you. Just take a moment and think back to when you were standing in the starting gate during the race season...ah, remember how WARM you were at your home hill? ... "L.F.F. BABY" Lake Superior would even feel warm right about now. Please say hi to Kathy B. and the other gals we met that night in Jan. Keep up the SISU, our Suomlainen tyttoystava!!! Rakastan sinua, Frani & Susie "
Sunday, April 15 at 07:26 AM:
Gordie Charles from Traverse City, Michigan wrote:
" Good luck from all of your MOWA friends. Keep cool!"
Sunday, April 15 at 04:55 AM:
Emily from Haslett wrote:
" Dear Pepole,
when my mom was reding the news papper she told me that there was another group of wemon going to ski to the north pole. she read where they are from. she read two from Haslett. One was a princable of haslett highschool. I go to Murphy. I'm in third grad. My teacher is Mrs.Mahon. I am so glad that some pepole from Haslett are going. Good luck,
Saturday, April 14 at 05:20 PM:
Dennis from Rockford, Illinois wrote:
" Hi Diana, Sounds as if your about to start the real journey. I wish you all good fortune and safty. We'll be waiting to here from you when the trip is finished. Have an excellent adventure! "
Saturday, April 14 at 04:36 PM:
marge from petoskey, michigan wrote:
" Good luck, ladies. You all have true grit and determination and i admire your efforts.
Kerri, remember to be on the lookout for that melting polar ice. my thoughts and prayers are with you. hurry back. Marge B.
Saturday, April 14 at 11:55 AM:
Steve from MSU J-School wrote:
" This is great! I hope you are having as much fun doing this as we are following you. We'll be watching when you get to the pole.
God speed and keep on truckin'.. "
Saturday, April 14 at 10:55 AM:
Anne from Haslett, MI USA wrote:
"Hi Lynn, The first graders and I think
and talk about you and the trek daily.
We send you our best wishes and are
excited to follow your trek!
The kids want to know how cold it is!
Saturday, April 14 at 10:42 AM:
Saturday, April 14 at 08:23 AM:
Mikhail from Russia wrote:
" Hello, darlings!
It's so nice to have you in the white wilderness this year. I'm leaving for Khatanga on April 18 and then to Borneo and the North Pole. I have been going there every April since 1993. My 11-year old daugther joins me this year. We are going to skydive there, to fly a hot air balloon over the ice cap and to build a small sauna in Borneo. We tested it last year. It worked! We cut a hole in the ice and dived right into the Arctic ocean to cool our hot bodies. Girls, you are invited! You certainly need a good wash after the trek. My friend Sergei and I used to organize purely skydiving expeditions to the North Pole. We used to hold beauty contests right in the true Pole among our female participants.
This wonderful traditional can be revived this year.
I wish you good luck, good weather, take care, do not overstrain yourself.
See you in Borneo or Khatanga.
Saturday, April 14 at 06:16 AM:
Kimi Douglas Mom and Dad from Rochester, NY wrote:
" Hey Cousin Jen! Guess what we had for breakfast...expedition north pole bacon. Yummmmmy! Good luck. xoxo all "
Saturday, April 14 at 05:27 AM:
nancy from gaylord,mi.usa wrote:
" how exciting! good luck-here's to success! will follow your trek. will see Sue in boyne this summer. "
Friday, April 13 at 08:53 PM:
Rebecca from Boyne City, Michigan USA wrote:
" To Susan Martin,
Thinking of you and praying for you every day like I promised! (If they do a Trek in the Bahamas, sign me up.) Enjoy!!!"
Friday, April 13 at 07:06 PM:
geoff from boyne city wrote:
" hi mom,
how are you doing. i hope you are having a lot of fun on your trip. best of luck to you."
Friday, April 13 at 05:33 PM:
PAM from MARQUETTE, MI. wrote:
Friday, April 13 at 12:09 PM:
Mike from Haslett, MI. wrote:
" Lynn,
We are all missing you back here at school. Uneventful week other than the "Cops in School" grant that has caused a stir with some faculty and students. Best wishes to you this week. Take care. "
Friday, April 13 at 08:30 AM:
Cindi Place from Boyne City, Michigan wrote:
" Hi all trekkers, especially Susan Martin. All is well here a balmy 30 degrees! The track meet last night was great, girl's won by about 50 points! I helped with discus, so I don't know how well Katie did, but everyone seemed pretty happy with themselves. Geoff did an awesome job! I'm sure he'll tell you about it!
Have fun! Cindi"
Friday, April 13 at 07:23 AM:
mike from Boyne City,MI wrote:
"Hey ms.martin how long is it going to tack you to get to your location? "
Friday, April 13 at 06:42 AM:
Jack from East Lansing, MI wrote:
" Sue
Wish I were there. Hope all is well. Happy Easter.
Jack Lloyd "
Friday, April 13 at 06:23 AM:
Sue from Haslett, MI wrote:
"Hi Lynn,
You and all your mates are being though
of daily around Haslett High. In the
library, we post the daily log of your
journey. There is a sense of wonderment
about what you must be experiencing,
exclamations that interested parties
would not be able to do this and general
interest in your well being and state
of mind.
Your absence is felt. If your spirit
ever gets heavy, know that there are a
lot of spirits in another small speck
of the world lifting you up.
All of you inspire me and make me proud
that I am a woman. You go girl!
Sue Ponischil
Friday, April 13 at 06:14 AM:
Bea from Dearborn, Michigan. USA wrote:
" Best wishes on your journey and keep going! At 83 years I am praying for your adventure. We need your success as women. Thanks "
Thursday, April 12 at 07:26 PM:
Brendon from saline, mi, USA wrote:
"Hi aunt sue it's me Good luck! How hard is this?
P.S.Call my class! BYE!!!! "
Thursday, April 12 at 06:57 PM:
Peg from Boyne City, MI wrote:
"Susan Martin,
I miss you. School's just not the same without you to tease. I just got off the phone with Katie. She's doing well. She did great in her first track meet. It was freezing cold --rainy & windy (Given your current location, I guess that may sound warm to you!) As always, my thought and prayers are with you. Peg W. "
Thursday, April 12 at 04:33 PM:
Darin from Woodworth, IL wrote:
" Hi Aunt Diana,
My class and I are really enjoying your adventure!! We can't wait for you to get back and visit us. We just read about the wooly mammoth in class! "
Thursday, April 12 at 11:30 AM:
Ricky from Lansing wrote:
" Thank you for viseting our school,PostOak.Hows your trip going?I bet it is cold out there.I hope you stay warm.Im am inspired that you are doing a thing like that.It is a brave a daring thing to do and you still do it.If you put your mind to it,you can do anything!"
Thursday, April 12 at 09:32 AM:
Shanna,Ken,Kasara,Mike,Robert, and Jaramie from Boyne City, MI. wrote:
" Susan Martin,How are you doing? Are you exhausted at bedtime? We all miss you. Your animals in your classroom are fine (even Iggy!).The snow is all gone here. We hear an update about you every day. We think about you every day. The Pencil Pusher Kids! "
Thursday, April 12 at 08:13 AM:
Gil from Brighton wrote:
" Sue,
I have really enjoyed following the daily progress of your journey and will offer prayers for your group at Easter services this Sunday. I am a patroller at Mt.Brighton and also a pastor at the United Methodist Church.
Gil Miller
Thursday, April 12 at 07:34 AM:
Leah from Greely, Ontario wrote:
" Alison, I'm 11 years old in grade 5. My dad got me your autograph. Since then I've been watching and cheering for you at the Olympics. I am doing my speech for our school's public speaking competition on you. I hope your trip goes well and that you have fun. Would you like to come and speak to our class when you get home? Leah Shaver "
Thursday, April 12 at 07:18 AM:
Veronica from Haslett High School wrote:
"A sunny 72 degrees here...sending some of the warmth your way. What you all are doing is amazingly powerful. Not to mention, you give me a reason to detour my work day to check for the updates! Yipppeee! Stay strong. "
Thursday, April 12 at 06:50 AM:
Adam from Douglas wrote:
"Jen Buck... Remeber to hang your food in a tree so it doesn't attract polar bears eh. Have an incredible and safe time my friend. Peace "
Thursday, April 12 at 05:53 AM:
Mary-Anne &Carly &Jane&Jim from Boyne City, MI U.S.A. wrote:
" To Susan Martin:
Hi! We just Want you to know that you are in our thoughts & conversation daily. Other than being very cold, we hope everything is going very well. Today is the first track meet(April 12),I promise to cheer loudly for Geoff & Katie. Pat May said she is still praying for you & so are we. Love from us all. "
Thursday, April 12 at 02:26 AM:
Stephanie from Deadhorse/Prudhoe Bay, Alaska USA wrote:
" DIANA!!! all your Friends here in Deadhorse (and especially here at the General Store) send you, and all your intrepid teammates, our prayers and best wishes for a safe and successful journey to the Pole!!! We got news of your trip from your husband just the other day... what a surprise! We wondered what you had been up to lately... Now we know!!! We will watch this site for more News of your Polar Trek and will try to catch the Webcast from the Pole when you complete your Quest... We will all be wearing "Womenquest" Patches proudly on THIS side of the Arctic in solidarity with you all on the OTHER side of The Pole.(what a Great Logo design!) So, Stay warm and stay safe!
Wednesday, April 11 at 07:04 PM:
Jane Stieber from Boyne City, MI wrote:
"Hi Mrs. Martin. I hope my message finds you and your group in good sprits and health. I think of you often and pray for your safety and success in your endeavors."
Wednesday, April 11 at 06:25 PM:
Diana from Marquette, MI USA wrote:
" Hey Frida! Yooper spirit is with you and the rest of your team all the way, eh?!!!!! "
Wednesday, April 11 at 06:08 PM:
Sally from Moraga, California wrote:
" Just want to say it sounds fantastic so far,and I wish you all the very best on your adventure. Lynn, the california connection is sending "good,good,good, vibrations"..Stay warm, and have a great trek. We'll be following you online."
Wednesday, April 11 at 06:02 PM:
Michael and Barbara Murphy from Ann Arbor MI, US wrote:
"Hi Phyllis, this is amazing. Mostly that you and your friends are doing this and that I could figure out how to write to you at the North Pole. I am sure you have had a lot of questions about Santa. Say hi for us. I am sure he will have milk and cookies for you when you get there. Take care and God be with you. Whoever she is. Mike and Barb"
Wednesday, April 11 at 12:09 PM:
Peggy from BCMS wrote:
" Susan..The website is great! After I open up school, do the announcements and generally get ready for the day, I go on-line to see the latest update. Keep your spirits up and remember every single minute of your adventure 'cuz I can't wait to hear it all! Love, PB "
Wednesday, April 11 at 12:05 PM:
MATT from lansing MI wrote:
"hay boo how are you doing"
Wednesday, April 11 at 12:05 PM:
MATT from lansing MI wrote:
"hay boo how are you doing"
Wednesday, April 11 at 10:48 AM:
Brandi from haslett high school wrote:
" hows the weather?"
Wednesday, April 11 at 10:44 AM:
Veronica from Haslett High School wrote:
"Oh! How exciting... I look forward to the updates every day (every hour if you had them)! Lynn, we are keeping a bulleting board of your journey in the resource room. Positive thoughts coming your way! And by the way, thanks for the donation although I TOLD you not to do that...throw it in my mailbox and run (uh, or ski)...very sneaky! You're an inspiration. Go team go! "
Wednesday, April 11 at 08:12 AM:
Dawn from Boyne City, Mich, USA wrote:
" Hey, you're doing it! How exciting! What a wonderful experience. It sounds like you are getting a chance to see a little of the countryside, which is a real plus because it's probably something you'll never get a chance to do again.We continue to think and talk about you and your fellow trekers. We wish you all the best. Visiting the site is great. It's nice to get some info about what's going on.Brrrr.....Sounds pretty cold. Is there much smell out on the ice? I bet it probably helps, when you aren't able to bath often. Leave it up to Katie to come up with a question like that.Take care,Dawn "
Wednesday, April 11 at 12:10 AM:
Oliver from Solingen, Germany wrote:
"This one is for Diana:
Hi Cinderella,
we just came back from Alaska. Our mission was
successfull although we did not reach Deadhorse. We "only" crossed
the Brooks Range and then ran out of time. So we had to leave from
Anaktuvuk Pass after 150 miles.
In the mountains we had: between 35 to 45° below
for several days, winds up to 30 miles per hour, no trail this year
so we had to break our own trail through hip-deep(!!!) powder snow
for 20 miles, everyday breakage of equipment that had to be repaired
or fixed provisionary, we had to go on river ice for 100 miles and broke
through several times (god thanks only with our feet).
So we have never, never done such a physically hard, mentally exhausting,
technically sophisticated trip like this. On the whole trip we never knew whether
it was possible at all or not. We had fear for our lives on the thin ice sections.
But in fact we would have gone on to Prudhoe, if we had got enough time left.
But to be honest I really missed a non-frozen banana from a good friend throug the tent
flap form time to time.
I wish all of you the best for the expedition. And tons of super-hard, super-
thick, not moving, flat ice. You can make it, if you believe it. Also when
it sometimes does not look like it. Trust us, we have just experienced the same.
Good luck, we are with you in our thoughts,
Tuesday, April 10 at 08:23 PM:
Gail & John from Chelsea, Que. wrote:
" Hi Jennie & Marie Josee Vasseur! We hope that the weather is cooperating and that you were able to leave the station. We are following your every step. Good luck to you all. Gail Partington "
Tuesday, April 10 at 07:55 PM:
Sue from Petoskey,MI. wrote:
"Kerri,and girls, glad to hear you arrived in the land of the Midnight Sun. Here's hoping all goes well the rest of the trip we are all keeping our fingers crossed here at St. Francis Xavier, May God Bless you and keep you all safe!!
Tuesday, April 10 at 07:17 PM:
LuAnn from Haslett High School wrote:
"HI LYNN - This has been ultimately fascinating checking in to see what is happening. It's like the thing I have to do before I go to bed at night. Good Luck and stay strong. You are creating memories for all of us to last a lifetime!!! "
Tuesday, April 10 at 03:00 PM:
TM from Marina del Rey, CA wrote:
"Congrats on finally getting to Borneo. KB, you rock! Keep those digits protected!"
Tuesday, April 10 at 01:42 PM:
Pat from Boyne City, MI wrote:
" Hi Susan, everything is fine in class. Spring Break was great! I'm thinking about you, be careful out there. "
Tuesday, April 10 at 12:56 PM:
Cindy from East Lansing wrote:
"Hi Phylly: I'm thinking of you! BEst of luck to you and everyone. We're waiting to celebrate with you when you return! We'll keep in touch via the website which is GREAT! Take care. "
Tuesday, April 10 at 11:48 AM:
Charr from Lansing, Mi. wrote:
"Hello, Sue! Our class at Post Oak Elementary School is keeping track of your adventures during reading center time. The students are excited to watch you reach your team goal. The timeline is most helpful. We will send more soon. You are an inspiration to us all!!"
Tuesday, April 10 at 11:41 AM:
LAMAR from LANSING MI wrote:
" Good luck on your skiing trip. I hope you make it back safe. We will check on your progress with our computers. "
Tuesday, April 10 at 10:23 AM:
sandia from charlevoix, mi wrote:
"you gals are awesome! i just finished reading "the golden compass" by gary pullman--it makes me think of you all. let us know if you find any "dust". you go girls!!! "
Tuesday, April 10 at 09:12 AM:
Noel from Petoskey wrote:
"Hello to Kerri from all her colleagues at NCMC.
We're thinking about you daily. By the way, did we
tell you what a good time we had in sunny (84 F)
Florida over spring break? Just kidding. Kind of.
Stay well. "
Tuesday, April 10 at 08:39 AM:
Susan from Haslett Michigan wrote:
"Hi Lynn! We are making a Womenquest display here in the library and everyday all of us are wondering how you are doing. There are loads of warm wishes streaming out to you from all of us at Haslett. Oh, our staff voted and decided not to go for NCA accreditation after all - HA HA!!! Actually, everything is going well with that so don't worry (as if NCA were your biggest worry right now...) Hang in there and don't perspire too much! Love, Susan "
Tuesday, April 10 at 07:18 AM:
Cathey from Haslett wrote:
" what a vacation mrs. bartley, have fun
in the nice cold weather, and stay safe. "
Tuesday, April 10 at 07:15 AM:
rachel from Haslett wrote:
" Hi
this is so cool. can't wait till u get back!!!
wuv rachel P.
Study skills classes are tracking your trek. GO GIRLS! "
Tuesday, April 10 at 04:38 AM:
Ivan, Tamara and M & M from Ottawa, Ontario wrote:
"Greetings to all-Womenquest Team Members from the Nation's Capital, Ottawa, Canada. A special hello and best wishes to the amazing Josee, team capitan. Thank you for being such an inspiration to young girls who may wonder why an all women's polar trek will now reply why not."
Tuesday, April 10 at 04:04 AM:
Tom from Haslett, MI wrote:
" Looking forward to April12th. Best to all! Lynn, you are amazing. What an inspiration! "
Monday, April 9 at 10:01 PM:
Adrian from Salinas, California wrote:
"Our wishes and prayers are with you all. Just the thought of what you are all doing is really amazing to me. Diana specifically we send you our love. You go girl. "
Monday, April 9 at 08:23 PM:
Marlene from Nepean(Crystal Beach) wrote:
"Hi Sue
We wish you all lots of luck.Have fun ,enjoy.I have been following your
stories ,since the beginning.Return safely.
Monday, April 9 at 07:16 PM:
Brendon from Ann Arbor wrote:
"Hey, Aunt Sue, hope you're staying warm and having a great time. Can't wait to see you when you get home and you can come and be "show and tell" at school. Mom and Dad send their love, too. "
Monday, April 9 at 06:45 PM:
Ann from Skandia wrote:
" Did you say -35 C.? Wow! A sauna would surely feel good under those conditions. Tons of love and complete admiration to Frida and all the remarkable women of this expedition as you head for the final stop before the trek. Back home we are wearing our Womenquest patches close to our hearts as you seek your dream...you are Strong!!! aw "
Monday, April 9 at 06:44 PM:
Ann from Skandia wrote:
" Did you say -35 C.? Wow! A sauna would surely feel good under those conditions. Tons of love and complete admiration to Frida and all the remarkable women of this expedition as you head for the final stop before the trek. Back home we are wearing our Womenquest patches close to our hearts as you seek your dream...you are Strong!!! aw "
Monday, April 9 at 06:31 PM:
Chris and Tracy from Gaylord, Michigan, USA wrote:
"Hey, Kerri and Susan,
Are you thinking of the beach scene on your cake yet? Hope your weather clears up soon. We are thinking of you and hope for all the best. Take care and send our regards to the rest of the crew.
Das Vadanya!?!?! Chris and Tracy
P.S. Chris wants to know which way is north? Let him know soon, the suspense is killing me!!! "
Monday, April 9 at 06:01 PM:
Susan Martin's daughter from Boyne City Michigan wrote:
" This is for Susan Martin if she can get it. hey momma. i miss you a lot! i'm not sure if this can work , but I'll give it a shot. i pole vaulted today. i'm learning how to bend the pole. it was so cool. hope your doing good! here's an experiment for you:how long does it take your pee to freeze? does it freeze before it hits the ground? well i gotta go do homework. yeah right. i've been getting on everyday at school to make sure your doing okay. i love you soo much. your daughter ~Katie~ "
Monday, April 9 at 04:49 PM:
mary and cecil from munising wrote:
"working the up200 got you broke in to the cold weather. we are keeping our fingers crossed you all make this trek safe and with gods help you will all return in good health . keep up the good work ALL MUCH LUCK TO ALL "
Monday, April 9 at 04:21 PM:
marie from Boyne City Michigan, U.S.A. wrote:
"Hi everyone. This is so amazing!!!! I,m so proud of what you are doing. I'm very honored to know one of you polar trekers, Ms. Susan Martin. Well it is April 9th right now. Must be cold out there. Hardly any snow here. I wish you all the best of luck, hope to talk to you soon Ms. Martin.
Marie Johnson
Monday, April 9 at 04:19 PM:
Brian from Ottawa, ON Canada wrote:
" Good Luck to all and hope the weather and ice conditions make it as enjoyable as possible. Alison, you have inspired a lot of Canadians with your accomplishments, keep it up. "
Monday, April 9 at 01:53 PM:
Berny & Liz Couture from Chelsea wrote:
" We are following your trip with great interest. We're proud of you, Josée and Jen. "
Monday, April 9 at 01:44 PM:
Shirley from Dean's Office, CAS, MSU,East Lansing,MI wrote:
"Sue Carter:
Just wanted to wish you luck and tell you that we, here in the Dean's Office, are keeping up with your travel adventures. Best of Luck.
Shirley "
Monday, April 9 at 12:20 PM:
Drew from Petoskey wrote:
" To Kerri,
Good luck to you! May the weather be hospitable for your adverture!
Have you seen a polar bear yet? Cannot wait to see you when you get back.
Good luck to you all.
Monday, April 9 at 11:54 AM:
Liz from Santa Monica wrote:
"It's amazing what you're all doing. Good Luck and Enjoy.
A special hello to Kathy - KB - sorry I missed you before you left. Take care and enjoy the journey.
Monday, April 9 at 11:22 AM:
Veronica from Haslett, MI wrote:
"Hey ladies! How awesome that you are out there exploring and showing what you've got! Keep up the good work. Lynn, people in Haslett are thinking of you! "
Monday, April 9 at 11:08 AM:
Mark from Boyne City wrote:
" Susan Martin
Susan I am watching your daughter for any problems. Other than the big party at your house everything is ok"
Monday, April 9 at 10:32 AM:
Peggy from Boyne City Middle School wrote:
" Susan, thinking of you constantly... everyone is back from Spring Break vacations and all is well with your classes. Take care-PB "
Monday, April 9 at 10:29 AM:
Peggy from Boyne City Middle School wrote:
" Thinking of you constantly... everyone is back from Spring Break vacations and all is well with your classes. Take care-PB "
Monday, April 9 at 07:52 AM:
Christy from Boyne City wrote:
" Susan, We're thinking of you every day! Hope all is well! Emma called Katie twice from Mexico and she seemed much better than right before you left. We'll stay in touch. "
Sunday, April 8 at 08:43 PM:
flaps Doodle Frosty Rosebud from Eagle River, Alaska wrote:
" Hi Diana:
Hope you are having fun and I wish I could join you! Flaps "
Sunday, April 8 at 07:24 PM:
Cousin Kimi from Rochester, NY wrote:
" Jen -- we keep bragging about you to our friends. This desert rat can't believe we are even related...my blood freezes at 32 degrees F. Keep safe (kyotsuke)! kimi & douglas "
Sunday, April 8 at 06:25 PM:
Michael from Neighbour of Jen Buck in Chelsea, Canada wrote:
"Would like to have occasional radio contact. What are your frequencies and schedules? Understand if your batteries cannot handle chitchat. Admiring your courage and determination. Regards, also from Mom and Dad. Michael Wondergem "
Sunday, April 8 at 02:36 PM:
Cindy from Marquette, MI, USA wrote:
I didn't come home in time for your Bon Voyage party. But, my warm wishes and prayers will be with you all everyday. You go girls! XO Cindy
Sunday, April 8 at 12:41 PM:
Francine from Marquette, MI USA wrote:
" Hi Frida and ALL... Had another dream about all of you last night and it was again in an extremely positive light. I am checking the postings daily, and will soon call Ron to see when you last called home... Wishing the very best for all of you... enjoy the land of the Wooly Mammoth... all my love, SKI-YA Frani XOXOX "
Sunday, April 8 at 11:11 AM:
Marc from Laprairie, Québec wrote:
"Considère que l'on tire avec toi, Marie-Josée. "
Sunday, April 8 at 04:43 AM:
Evelyn from Cleveland, Ohio wrote:
" Go get'em girls! Wish you all the best for strength, endurance and the ability to absorb all the wonders of that part of our world! "
Saturday, April 7 at 08:43 PM:
Bard from Toledo, Oh wrote:
"Sue Carter, your mother is my dear cousin Jane. My daughter and I will be following you and the women of Polar Trek. We are proud of you and the purpose of the expedition. Eva Lewis and her daughters Helen and Evelyn would be proud too!
Enjoy and return safely.
Bard Nagel Kahl and Deborah Bard Kirby "
Saturday, April 7 at 06:59 PM:
adam,sheri, carole,hal,marti,drew from boyne City !!!!!!! wrote:
Hey Susan, got ice?
Have a nice trip.. . don't cross your tips!
Is it lonely at the top?
Need a compass? Is it magnetic or true North?
Are you "packin' a .357?" Wild, wild animals, you know?
We're thinking about you . . . the snow here is almost melted. Be safe! Have fun! We'll be following your trip on the web . . .
Live ! From Boyne City! It's SATURDAY NIGHT! "
Saturday, April 7 at 07:37 AM:
Josephine and Alexandra from Kars, Ontario wrote:
"Hope you have a fun time. We will be watching and reading.
Don't forget to wear your hats.
Say hi to Santa for us. "
Friday, April 6 at 09:32 PM:
Julie Dalou from Livingston, MT wrote:
My Brownie Troop is folowing you on the internet. Carter and Anne came and spoke to at shcool. Where are they< I can't find them on your site.
I hope it's not cold.
Julie :) "
Friday, April 6 at 05:28 PM:
Norm & Liz from Aylmer Ontario Canada wrote:
" Hi Jen: We cousins are following your treck via the internet seeing history being made. The technology far surpasses that of our forefathers. No one will ever question who did what and when.PS. Glad Sue's kitchen wasn't the target of your bacon bake!!!"
Friday, April 6 at 04:43 PM:
Diane from Chelsea wrote:
" Hi Jennie, We are following your progress and we are so proud of you.
Good luck to everyone."
Friday, April 6 at 02:26 PM:
Melanie from Boyne City, Michigan, usa wrote:
Hope everything is going good for all
of you, especially you Ms. Martin. So
is this more fun that teaching a group
of 8th graders? Spring break is almost
over and then it is back to BCMS. "
Friday, April 6 at 01:21 PM:
Rah from Marquette, MI USA wrote:
" Hey Women,
Just want you to know we are all thinking good thoughts for you here in Marquette. Make sure Frida tells her quota of Eino and Toivo every day.
Good luck. I'll be following your trip.
Friday, April 6 at 12:58 PM:
Linda from Ann Arbor wrote:
"Sue, the members of the Mt. Brighton Ski Patrol are wishing you and your crew all the best! Be careful out there! "
Friday, April 6 at 12:12 PM:
Christine and Detlef from Berlin, Germany wrote:
"We both wish a succesful excursion to the pole with lots of great impressions. We pray for you. "
Friday, April 6 at 08:32 AM:
Jewel from Washington, Illinois USA wrote:
"Hi Diana from an old friend. Best wishes for the exciting, adventurous and courageous trip!!!!! ENJOY EACH DAY! P.S. 1,2,3,4 Cha, Cha, Cha "
Friday, April 6 at 05:34 AM:
Jane from Char-Em ISD wrote:
"This is a message for Susan Martin.
I received your commitment to teach Kitchen Chemistry for College for Kids. Frankly, I was surprised you found the time to get it back to me before you left. I figured that you would be teaching the class because of your verbal commitment, and was not worried about the formal commitment.
I would love to do a Community Forum interview with Kerri and you once you return and have some time to return to normal.
Hope all goes well on your journey.
Jane Millar
Thursday, April 5 at 12:37 PM:
Bev from Trailhead - Ottawa wrote:
" Wow Jen! You're there!! We are all following your progress wishing you and your team a safe and successful journey. Damn! Wish I was there!
Bev Pick and the TH Gang "
Thursday, April 5 at 10:59 AM:
Austin from U.S.A dearborn michigan wrote:
" Hi how are you? Can you Email
me back. Hope you find what you
whant to find "
Thursday, April 5 at 10:50 AM:
Ben from Dearborn,Mi,USA wrote:
"We here at snow school want to wish you all luck and make it back o.k. I have a question for all of you what do you eat and how do you all keep warm????
from you fans,
snow school and
Ben Morris "
Thursday, April 5 at 10:50 AM:
chelsea from dearborn mi usa wrote:
" 9hu,ftywtvjhfresrukhihtydeahgutyecooollllllllllllll"
Thursday, April 5 at 07:57 AM:
Fred from Williamstown, NJ wrote:
"Hi Anne, you are on your way!! God bless and take great care. Robert Capa would be very proud!! :-) Use at least a sunscreen with SPF 2000!! :-) Fred. "
Thursday, April 5 at 07:34 AM:
Eleanore and Hubert from Cantley, Quebec, Canada wrote:
"Dear Josee,
My mother-in-law, Eirene McClelland used to talk on the phone with your mother-in-law, Meg so I feel as if we sort of know each other! We also remember how impressed our 3 children were to see Richard's clothes that he had worn on a trip North and displayed at his presentation in Ottawa. Wishing you all the best! "
Thursday, April 5 at 07:09 AM:
Niki from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada wrote:
" Here's to a safe, healthy, "wonder-full" adventure to all the women of the trek... Especially to Jen Buck, we're thinking of you and wishing you a fantastic experience! All the best... Looking forward to stories upon your return.. ENJOY!"
Thursday, April 5 at 04:08 AM:
Silas from Hall Beach, Nunavut, Canada wrote:
" Safe journey to all, especially
Jenny. We'll trade notes when you return! "
Wednesday, April 4 at 09:00 PM:
Nancie & Bob from Traverse City Mi wrote:
" Wishing all of you a great adventure!
What an exciting time. Just watched Eco challange, thank god you don't have to worry about leeches!! Sue M., just pretend your sled is rocks and you're going uphill!!! Your are all in our prayers. "
Wednesday, April 4 at 06:49 PM:
Patti L. from Grand Blanc, MI wrote:
" Hi! To my 2nd cousin Kerri and all the women of Polar Trek! I just heard of your exciting adventure. Hope all is going well and you're having the time of your lives. Stay warm and healthy!! I'll keep you in my prayers!"
Wednesday, April 4 at 05:47 PM:
Sarah S from Harbor Springs wrote:
"Hey Kerri,
I went for a bike ride today!It was 50 degrees finally. I have been thinking about your adventure everyday and wishing all of you the best and I am even praying for your safe return and good stories to follow!"
Wednesday, April 4 at 05:10 PM:
Anna from Michigan wrote:
" Hi! I am the daughter of Phyllis Grummon, one of them women on the quest. I would like to wish all the women good luck on their trek! Thanks,
Wednesday, April 4 at 02:11 PM:
Margaret from Meridian, MI wrote:
" This is not exactly "Star Trek",
but rather snow trek by daylight.
Happy Trekking! "
Wednesday, April 4 at 09:59 AM:
Sue from Norway.Mi. wrote:
May you have blue skies and green lights all the way. Stay safe and as warm as possible. Good Luck........"
Wednesday, April 4 at 08:27 AM:
Dawn from friday Harbor, WA wrote:
"Sending vibes & smiles from the San Juan islands. We're with you in spirit. Love ya'Frida! "
Wednesday, April 4 at 08:21 AM:
Tina from East Lansing wrote:
" Good Luck to all of you!
To Sue Carter: Blue Skies!
From Tina, Sue's MSU colleague and flying buddy "
Wednesday, April 4 at 07:52 AM:
Angie, editor of The Citizen/Boyne City from Boyne City, MI wrote:
"Susan, the very best of luck to you and all the women of PolarTrek from us folks in Boyne City -- Can't wait to hear your story when you get back! "
Wednesday, April 4 at 06:36 AM:
Rick Barber from Petoskey wrote:
Good luck and I hope the weather and the ice are to your liking.
Look forward to following you via the web. Wish I was there! "
Wednesday, April 4 at 04:20 AM:
Nori from Hawaii wrote:
"Aloha and good luck Jen and the rest of
the Polar Trek women as you are on your
way to the Pole!! You're the greatest! "
Tuesday, April 3 at 06:05 PM:
Ann from Skandia wrote:
"To Frida and all the wonderful women of this exciting adventure...
God speed and know that, back home we are thinking of you and hoping for your dream of reaching the North Pole to be fully realized. With love and a constant stream of positive vibes from here....aw "
Tuesday, April 3 at 04:30 PM:
Carol from Grosse Pointe Farms wrote:
" Hi Frida, Dominic & I will be follow- ing your journey. You are an inspira- tion. We wish all of you great success. "
Tuesday, April 3 at 01:58 PM:
kurnia from Malaysia wrote:
" All the very best wishes to all of you, especially to Lynn Bartley. I'll pray for your success, safe journey and trip home. See you in May...in East Lansing.
Tuesday, April 3 at 01:37 PM:
Margaret from Meridian Township, Michigan wrote:
" Where are you now?
What day and time is it there?
How is the weather?
Margaret has a message for you from the bank.
Should she contact Bonnie B?
Tuesday, April 3 at 12:44 PM:
Elaine from Detroit,Michigan wrote:
" Good luck on your jounery,I wish you all well. Be Safe and have a great time. "
Tuesday, April 3 at 08:21 AM:
Star from Grand Rapids wrote:
"Frida, thanks for all of the gifts and the video you sent. They are very dear. A friend gave me this quote before I left on my trip and I read it to myself often, "Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, 'I will try again tomorrow.'" Safe journey and God's speed. Star "
Monday, April 2 at 07:31 PM:
Paul from Bay City, MI wrote:
" Wow! How challenging and exciting!
Question: When will this documentary
be on TV? "
Monday, April 2 at 07:29 PM:
Paul from Bay City, MI wrote:
"Wow! How challenging and exciting! "
Monday, April 2 at 06:48 PM:
Bryan, friend of Kerri! from San Francisco, CA, USA wrote:
" Break a ski everyone! You are awesome!!"
Monday, April 2 at 05:56 PM:
Mary Jo from Toronto wrote:
"Good luck to you all. We will be think-
ing of you, praying for your safety, and
that this marvellous expedition be
an exciting and deeply satisfying
adventure. You are an inspiration to
women around the world. "
Monday, April 2 at 05:56 PM:
Deb, friend of Lynn from Lansing, MI wrote:
"Dear Women, I am thinking of you as you begin your long awaited "trek." Best wishes every step of the way. Keep eachother energized, focussed, safe, warm and happy as you accomplish your goal. You will be in my thoughts every day. Peace and Strength, Deb"
Monday, April 2 at 03:14 PM:
Pat from San Ramon, CA wrote:
" Good Luck to all the women of Polar Trek! Lynn is my sister and I'll be thinking of her and the rest of you every minute of your expedition!
She knows what a worrier I am - so stay WARM, SAFE & HEALTHY! Hugs and kisses to Lynn from Patti!"
Monday, April 2 at 12:20 PM:
Dan from gaines mi wrote:
" Hi me agin but not with Chis just have a nice time. "
Monday, April 2 at 12:19 PM:
nicole from otisville mi wrote:
" to you who is reading this,
hi i just wanted to say hil and i hope that you do well on your trek to the north pole i also wanteed to say that the teleconfrence thing today was cool well thanx for reading and good luck!
Monday, April 2 at 12:19 PM:
Dan from gaines mi wrote:
" Hi me agin but, not with Dhris just have a nice time. "
Monday, April 2 at 12:13 PM:
Nicole from Otisville MI wrote:
" Dear whoever is reading this,
Monday, April 2 at 10:23 AM:
Rick and Aaron from Flint, MI wrote:
" Dear all Polar Trek particapents,
Did you have to get any shots before you went on the trip? Hope you have a good time and good luck. "
Monday, April 2 at 10:22 AM:
Brittne&Erin from Flint,MI wrote:
Hows it goin'people? Keep in warm? GOOD LUCK!We will pray 4 u
Monday, April 2 at 10:21 AM:
Jackie(*Quackie*), And Autumn from Flint, Michigan wrote:
" Hello,
We hope you have a lot of fun. Why did You decide to take this journey?¿ We think it would be a lot of fun. Was it?We will miss you. We hope you dont freeze. Good Luck~* Bye~*
~*Love~* Jackie~* And Autumn~*"
Monday, April 2 at 10:20 AM:
Chris and Dan from Flint,MI wrote:
" Hi, how are.
How long will it take.
hope u have a fun time.
chris and dan
Monday, April 2 at 10:20 AM:
Shana and Brittany from Flint,MI wrote:
" Hi,we were very interested in your trip to Sibera and the North Pole.
We really like the tea you guys drink...the trail mix is also very good!
We hope that your trip all goes well and good luck to all!
Brittany and Shana"
Monday, April 2 at 10:19 AM:
Alisha and Sarah from Flint, MI wrote:
"Dear Sue,
We think that the Women Quest Polor Trek 2001 is very challenging and exiciting. Both of us were at MSU and Longway, and we enjoyed the live conference very much. When we were at MSU you said something about a 15 year old girl going. Today you didn't include her in the conference. We were wondering what happened to her. Well, thank you for your time and we hope all goes well.
Alisha and Sarah"
Monday, April 2 at 10:18 AM:
candace and taryn from flint mi wrote:
" We all hope you have a fun and safe trip. hope all the planing paid off."
Monday, April 2 at 10:17 AM:
blaine and eric from Flint michigan wrote:
"hey how is your trip?
hope it is good and that u dont get eaten by a polar bear!!!! "
Monday, April 2 at 10:17 AM:
Amber & Nicole from Flint mi, usa wrote:
" Dear Sue,
How long will it take for you to get to the North Pole? Do you think you will encounter any danger along the way? What would you do if you run out of food?"
Monday, April 2 at 10:16 AM:
Curtis and nick from Flint, MI wrote:
"Are you excited about the trek yes or no."
Monday, April 2 at 10:08 AM:
Jessica and Nicole from Flint, MI wrote:
"dear trekers,
hi we are from lakeville m.s. its warmish up here lol (laugh out loud). what are some of the variables that you might encounter. bye "
Monday, April 2 at 10:07 AM:
Mallory and Jenny from Flint, MI wrote:
" Hi, we are two LakeVille students. We had a good time talking to you on the tv. We are intrested in the trip you are doing. We wonder what sparked your idea of going to the north pole instead of some where else. What's it like to know you're not going to see your family? "
Monday, April 2 at 10:06 AM:
candace, christina from Flint,Mi wrote:
" We hope that you have a good time, and you will have a safe trip! We would like to know how many people are going on the trip and who sponsered you guys to go on this trip to the North Pole? "
Monday, April 2 at 10:06 AM:
megan from fostoria mi wrote:
" HI womentrek people! I hope you complete your trip successfully. Is the trip easyier or harder then you expected? Good luck!!!
Monday, April 2 at 10:06 AM:
Jamie and Stacie from Flint Michigan wrote:
" We hope that you get to the north pole safe and sound! We have a question or 2 that we would like to ask. How long do you guys expect it to take to get there? If you guys get hurt how will you get help? Well that is all for now we hope that we get to see your film.
Jamie and Stacie"
Monday, April 2 at 10:05 AM:
Valerie from Flint, MI wrote:
" Howdy, How many women are on the polar trek? What are their names and ages? Thats all. Bye bye."
Monday, April 2 at 09:55 AM:
Matt from Clio MI wrote:
" I hope you have a great Journey."
Monday, April 2 at 09:54 AM:
Amanda and Megan from Clio, Michigan, USA wrote:
" Hello women of women quest! we have been following your progress through science class daily. We are here today though at the planatarioum to wish you luck and we hope u enjoy uyour time there and back and inbetween."
Monday, April 2 at 09:54 AM:
Chris and Josh from Clio, MI USA wrote:
" Why would you want to go to the North Pole for a trip? Are you getting anything out of it?"
Monday, April 2 at 09:54 AM:
Danielle & Christle from Clio, Mi, USA wrote:
"We are studying your expedition. It's interesting and we're happy to study the North Pole. We hope we can learn something from your experience. We hope you have a safe journey.
~Peace Out~
Monday, April 2 at 09:54 AM:
Todd and Stephanie from Clio,MI wrote:
"Is there any possibility that the north pole may be water, not ice¿ ¿Donde está el pole norte? Are you making any money on this expedition, if so how much, and are you happy with that amount¿"
Monday, April 2 at 09:53 AM:
Shauna and Crystal from Flint, Mi wrote:
" We think that this is a good idea and we hope that you go all the way. Good Luck
Shauna and Crystal "
Monday, April 2 at 09:53 AM:
tiffany, joe from flint wrote:
"hey have fun
how cold is it?
is it warm, chilly or cold?
be good
if it is cold, body heat is warm
bye have fun in the sun
Monday, April 2 at 09:52 AM:
Robert and Ronnie from Clio, Michigan USA wrote:
" My only real question for you is what in the world possesed you to go to the North Pole? You have to be just about insane to go there at your ages. Either way, good luck to all you on the trip, even though you're insane. "
Monday, April 2 at 09:51 AM:
Bryan and Andrew from flint mi,usa wrote:
"have fun and good luck to you all
Monday, April 2 at 09:51 AM:
Zason from clio,Mi, USA wrote:
"How many pounds of food are taking? "
Monday, April 2 at 09:49 AM:
Todd and Stephanie from Clio,MI wrote:
" "
Monday, April 2 at 09:46 AM:
Nichole and Heather from Flint, MI wrote:
" My Friend Brett, who could not be here today, would like to know what you pack. I too am very curious. What you are doing is very interesting. We wish you luck. Have fun!
Nichole & Heather
Monday, April 2 at 09:45 AM:
Stacy, Sarina, and Laura from Flint, Mi wrote:
" Dear Adventurous Women,
We watched your broadcast today. It was very interesting and you seem very prepared and we wish we could go with you. We are looking forward to see your progress and hear news of you.
We wish you well on your big adventure,
Good Luck
Monday, April 2 at 09:45 AM:
Alishia and Rebecca from Flint, Michigan wrote:
" I hope all of you get up to the North Pole alright. I hope you are happy up there,with all the cold weather. Both of us hope that in the future that we can travel the world and go to the poles.WE also think it is awsome that it is all women going there! We wish you all luck and we hope that your expedition is sucessful!We would also like to ask you some questions......
What are some of the things you would like to accomplish up there?
Are you scared?
Are there any medical doctors in your group so if one of you get injured or sick you can get help?
Have you Planned any more trips anywhere!If yes, where!
Where else have you been? Have you been to any tropical climates? If so what do you like better, the extreme hot or the extreme cold?"
Monday, April 2 at 09:45 AM:
Kate and Kaprecia from Flint, MI wrote:
" Polar track women what made you want to go on the adventure? Were you scared when you firs heard about the trip,or were you excited? When I first heard that you were going on the trip I thought that you were going to freeze to death how do you plan on staying warm? "
Monday, April 2 at 09:41 AM:
heather & morgan from flint, MI wrote:
" why do you want to do this trek thingie? doesn't it scare you? where would you go to the bathroom at? How are you going to bathe? We would never have the courage to do this, where did you get the courage to do this? good luck. bub-bye! "
Monday, April 2 at 09:41 AM:
Nichole and Heather from Flint, Mi wrote:
"Dear Women of Polar Trek,
Monday, April 2 at 09:39 AM:
rachel jessica from flint,mi wrote:
" what inspired you to do this?
when you get back from this what do you plan on doing? "
Monday, April 2 at 09:38 AM:
Paris,Sonali from Flint, MI wrote:
"Are you excited? When will you return? Good luck "
Monday, April 2 at 09:37 AM:
KATE AND KAPRECIA from Flint,MI wrote:
" "
Monday, April 2 at 08:02 AM:
neiesha from flint ,mi wrote:
" how do you feel about going on this trip? do you think you'll be able to survive traveling from Russia to the North Pole? Hope so, have a safe trip. "
Monday, April 2 at 08:00 AM:
kristen and donisha from flint , mich wrote:
" how do you feel about doing this? Have you done this befor? what are you guys going to eat while you are their? ihope you have a safe trip. "
Monday, April 2 at 07:59 AM:
Dan Dionysia from Flint,Mi wrote:
Monday, April 2 at 07:58 AM:
shaneka & tyrese from flint mich wrote:
"hi how u doing hope fine good luck good on your mission & have fun and keep yo head up! "
Monday, April 2 at 07:57 AM:
steven and travion from flint,michigan wrote:
" what do you hope to accomplish by sking to the n.pole"
Monday, April 2 at 07:55 AM:
kristen and donisha from flint, wrote:
" "
Monday, April 2 at 07:51 AM:
Kira & Alix from Flint, Mi wrote:
"Hi! How are you? Don't you get cold up there? You can't even start a fire can you? How do you keep warm? Do you ever get scared because you are walking on just ice? How can you tell how thick it is so you don't fall through or something? We were just outside finding out some uvb stuff. It was fun and we are going to be on tv. I bet when you get back you'll be on tv too. Well, we have to go. Hope you're having fun. "
Monday, April 2 at 07:51 AM:
Sheryl & Ashley. from Flint, Mi wrote:
"How does your family feel about you going to the north pole?
How cold is it?
What will you eat?
How warm does it get at night in your
How warm does it get outside in daylight?
How did you feel about going on this expedition?
Were you excited? "
Monday, April 2 at 07:51 AM:
Abby & Jessica from Flint , Michigan USA wrote:
" What is it like just being there in Russia? How cold is it there? How do you think your journey will turn out? "
Monday, April 2 at 07:50 AM:
Roneshia from Flint, MI wrote:
"What kinds of things do you think about while traveling? "
Monday, April 2 at 07:49 AM:
Stephanie & Derrick from Flint, MI wrote:
" Have you had any injuries yet? Or had any near-death expierences?"
Monday, April 2 at 07:48 AM:
Italy, Nicole from flint, mi wrote:
" do u ever get tired of dragging your equipment? do you miss your families and friends? what do you eat? do u ever regret doing this trek? is there a limit on food to eat or can u just eat when ever u feel? do u have snack like candy or chips? is it hard to sleep? do u sometime have nightmares? do you miss watching TV or listening to the radio? do u sometimes feel lonely? "
Monday, April 2 at 07:48 AM:
Danielle from Flint,MI wrote:
" What do your husbands have to say about you going to the Artic for such a long time? "
Monday, April 2 at 07:47 AM:
Anastasia & Andre' from Flint MI wrote:
" Are you ever scared that the ice is going to break? Do ever feel tired pulling those heavy sleds? Do you ever want to give up? About how many hours does it take to get to the top of the world? How long do you rest? "
Monday, April 2 at 07:47 AM:
Sheryl from Flint, Michigan. wrote:
" "
Monday, April 2 at 07:47 AM:
Ashley & Margarita from Flint, MI wrote:
I, Margarita, would like to know if you ever get scared that you might fall through the ice?
I,Ashley, would like to know if any of your teammates or you have any regrets about pursuing this mission?
We wish you the best and hope that your mission is a success.
Monday, April 2 at 07:46 AM:
jennifer and shawana from flint mi,usa wrote:
" We hope that you guys have a good and safe time and we also hope that you try your best and accomplish.What made you guys have the guts to volunteer and go through with this great voyage?well have a great time and good luck from us to you! "
Monday, April 2 at 07:46 AM:
Katie & Meghan from flint, Mi. wrote:
" What is the temperature around the North pole? How far do you plan to walk daily? How far do you walk before you take a break? Approximately how long do you plan on staying at the North Pole? Do you ever feel like comming back or quiting before you finish? I know that there are alot of questions, but please try to answer them.
Katie and Meghan
p.s. Have a nice trek!
Monday, April 2 at 07:46 AM:
Ariane from Flint, Mi wrote:
" What do you all do for entertainment? Do you miss watching all of your favorite television shows and favorite movies? "
Monday, April 2 at 07:44 AM:
Sandy and Azure from Flint, Michigan wrote:
"Hello, we have a couple of questions. What was Russia like? How do you use the bathroom? Do you think that there will be a point where you are tempted to quit? Thank you for you your time and we hope you have a good trip. "
Monday, April 2 at 07:36 AM:
Bronwyn from flint,MI wrote:
" HI:
is there a high risk of falling through the ice? "
Monday, April 2 at 07:36 AM:
Kristin and Tiara from Flint,Mi wrote:
" Dear Polar Trek Team,
What made you want to get involved in cross country skiing?
Monday, April 2 at 07:36 AM:
twuan LiL-E from Flint, Mi wrote:
" Hi
How many years have you been in the artic? Where do you use the bathroom? Do you have sun light yet? What do you eat?"
Monday, April 2 at 07:35 AM:
Lara and Kizzie from Flint, MI wrote:
" Hi, good luck on the trip, here are some ?'s. How many stops do you make to eat or rest? What types of clothing do you wear to keep warm? Are you able to take extra things that you want to take? Are you afraid of falling through the ice? What types of supplies do you have to take? Hope your trip goes well. Hope we get a chance to hear the answers to our questions. See you on T.V. when you get back.
From Lara and Kizzie
Monday, April 2 at 07:35 AM:
mike from flint, Mi wrote:
how many years have you done this trip? In your past accurs what was the worst or funnest accidents that happen when you where there. "
Monday, April 2 at 07:34 AM:
Angela , Virginia from Flint, MI wrote:
"We wish you a good trip.
How long have you been wanting to go on this trip?
Are you scared to go on the trip?
What kind of supplies do you need to take?
What do you plan to do when you are finished?
Do you think every one will come back o.k.?
Monday, April 2 at 07:33 AM:
jessica and alexandria from Flint, MI wrote:
" Dear Women of Polar Trek,
Good luck on your trip. We have a few questions that we want to ask you. How long are you planning to be gone on the trek? What motivated you to go to the North Pole where no women have traveled to before? Good luck.
Alex and Jess
Monday, April 2 at 07:33 AM:
Kevin from Flint,Mi wrote:
"how cold is it exactly and is it possible to get frostbit in those temperature?"
Monday, April 2 at 07:31 AM:
Landon from Flint,Mi wrote:
"How Many Times Have You Done Something This Endorising. "
Monday, April 2 at 07:30 AM:
Ashley and Laura from Flint, MI wrote:
We hope you are enjoying your adventure. We hope you make it back safe. All of you. Are you having fun? We hope you are.
Ashley and Laura
Monday, April 2 at 07:30 AM:
deandre' from flint,, MI wrote:
how are you doing. If you had a chioce would you choose this event or you regular life.Is it harder to breath in the cold weather or in a warm weather.Would you ever travel alone in the weather that you are in.
p.s. please write back. "
Monday, April 2 at 07:30 AM:
maria and eva from Flint, MI wrote:
I hope you are having a great time, I hope its not that cold. Wishing you the best for a safe trip to and from the north pole.
best of luck,
Maria Mysliwski&Eva Hughes
Monday, April 2 at 07:28 AM:
shakeda from Flint ,Michigan wrote:
" How long have you been wanting to travel to this place? "
Monday, April 2 at 07:28 AM:
crystal from flint mi wrote:
Do you ever feel that you can't make it thru because you have a feeling about it. "
Monday, April 2 at 07:25 AM:
Dale from Flint,Michigan wrote:
" Hello,
My question is that are you ever afraid of falling thru the ice? "
Monday, April 2 at 06:03 AM:
Johanna from Flint, MI wrote:
"Hello Sue and the Gang,
We look forward to receiving exciting news as you go along your journey! Congratulations on what you have accomplished so far and best wishes!!
We are sending you messages this morning from the Longway Trek Kickoff Student Gathering!! We are indeed proud of you!
Thanks for taking our back packs to the students in Khatanga!
Johanna and the Students from Genesee County "
Monday, April 2 at 06:02 AM:
Michael from Flint wrote:
"What effect do you think the recent coronal mass ejections and sunspots will have on you communications and GPS? If the solar activity continues I hope you will be able to see the aurora."
Sunday, April 1 at 07:24 PM:
Kris from Troy, MI wrote:
"Hi Kerri, I am Jenny Hanlon's (Zichterman now) Mom and just wanted to let you know that I'm following your adventure and wish you the very best. I've been keeping Jenny posted whenever I see an article about your trip and she, too, wishes you well. I would imagine that staying warm may be your biggest problem? As my parents live in Hancock, MI, I can understand why you trained in the U.P. I hope it prepared your group for the rigors of your trek.
What an amazing adventure for all of you. Good Luck and Stay Healthy.
Sunday, April 1 at 05:52 PM:
Sue from Indianapolis, Indiana wrote:
"We are proud to know of this mission, and will be standing by with blessings and support. And spreading the news to other women in Indiana. Good Fortune is Yours,love, Joyce, and Gretchen Hall"
Sunday, April 1 at 01:49 PM:
Nancy from Marquette, MI wrote:
"Frida and Crew- We will await your safe return full of colorful stories! Best of luck on your exciting adventure!"
Saturday, March 31 at 07:46 PM:
jerry from Watseka, IL wrote:
" Diana, all of your friends here in Watseka wish you and your entire party good luck. We look forward to monitoring your progress. "
Saturday, March 31 at 05:38 PM:
melissa Dipple from Miami Florida wrote:
" Great health and good luck girls! "
Friday, March 30 at 07:49 PM:
Katelin & family from Beaverton, Ontario, Canada wrote:
"Good Luck Jennifer. It is an honour to have someone with such a positive attitude, determination and courage in our family. We will be thinking of you all. Way to go Jen!!! "
Friday, March 30 at 11:24 AM:
Angela from Ferndale wrote:
" I'm game to join all of you next time! Enjoy the adventure!"
Friday, March 30 at 08:06 AM:
Nancy from Marquette, MI USA wrote:
" Hi Frida, Have a wonderful trek!! We at Easter Seals wish you a safe and exciting journey! "
Friday, March 30 at 07:14 AM:
Maureen from Northville wrote:
" Just wanted to wish Frida and all the women of Polar Trek the best of luck on their journey. I admire your courage and strength!"
Friday, March 30 at 06:55 AM:
Jason from Clio wrote:
" good luck on accomplishing your goals
Friday, March 30 at 04:19 AM:
Tom from Ramstein, Germany wrote:
"Hi Everyone,
Have a great time together and enjoy the teamwork. Tom Manley"
Thursday, March 29 at 05:11 PM:
Tara from Long Island, NY USA wrote:
"I am a high school student. Last year in school I chose do a year long research project on north pole expeditions. It was my favorite project! I would like to wish you the best of luck. I love to cross country ski and go winter camping, so I am really jealous of you! My whole family has become excited about this. Have a great time and know I will be looking out for you and following your progress on the web.
P.S. Before the maps and this message board were posted on the site, who were those pictures of?"
Thursday, March 29 at 05:07 PM:
An interested woman from Haslett, MI wrote:
"Good luck and best wishes!! This is great!! I wish you all good health and great fun! "
Thursday, March 29 at 01:24 PM:
Bonnie the Webmaster from Michigan State University wrote:
"I want to wish the women of Polar Trek all the best in their quest. You serve as an inspiration for us all. I also invite young people who visit the site to leave a message of encouragement here and also visit our Classes & Activities -- they're fun. "